
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Eggs?

Bearded dragons are fascinating pets that are loved by many. They are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. As much as they enjoy eating their veggies, offering them a variety of protein-rich foods is crucial for their health. One of the most convenient and nutritious sources of protein is eggs. But, can bearded dragons eat eggs? In this blog post, we will look at the benefits and risks of feeding eggs to your bearded dragons.

TOP Unusual Foods Bearded Dragons Like Eating

These reptiles are amazing creatures that may become perfect pets. They are docile, easy to care for, and can be quite affectionate. One of the reasons why bearded dragons are unique is their unusual diet. They are omnivorous,meaning they eat both animal and plant matter.

TOP Unusual Foods Bearded Dragons Like Eating

While they are happy with the usual crickets, veggies, and fruits, they also enjoy eating some quite odd things.For the beginning, we’ll take a look at the top unusual foods that bearded dragons can eat.


Bearded dragons are known to eat mice, but many pet owners are surprised to learn that they also enjoy eating pinkies. These are newborn mice that have not yet grown fur. They are a good source of protein, and these reptile pets seem to enjoy the softer texture of the pinkies.

Silk Worms

Silkworms are really beloved by bearded dragons. They are soft and easy to digest, making them perfect for younger dragons. They are also high in protein, calcium, and other nutrients that are essential for the growth and development of your pet.

Super Worms

Super worms are slightly bigger than mealworms, and they have  a lot of protein and fat which is good for bearded dragons. They are also easy to keep and easy to find at pet stores.


Hornworms are another great food source for these reptile pets. They are large and juicy, making them an excellent source of moisture and hydration for your pet. They are also rich in nutrients like calcium, protein, and vitamins.

Dandelion Greens

While not strictly unusual, dandelion greens make an important addition to the diet of your reptile pet. They are a perfect source of minerals and vitamins and are excellent for digestion. Be sure to pick them from an area that has not been sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals.

Dandelion Greens

A varied diet is highly important for your reptile pet’s health and well-being. While it’s always a good idea to give them their regular meals of crickets, veggies, and fruits, offering them some unusual foods can stimulate them, making them more active and happier. Remember to always do your research and speak with your vet to ensure that the food you give your pet is safe and appropriate for their age and size.

Eggs for a Beardie: to Give or Not to Give?

As a beardie owner, one of the biggest responsibilities you have is to provide your reptile pet with all the minerals and vitamins it needs to stay healthy. A balanced diet can be both tasty and crucial for bearded dragons. One question that often lingers in many pet owner’s minds is whether eggs for a beardie are safe to give or not. So, this part of our post will be useful for you, as we’ll explore the subject of eggs for beardies and determine whether you should consider adding it to your pet’s diet plan.

These reptiles are omnivores, and it means that they can eat both animal and plant-based foods.

Generally, insects such as mealworms and crickets should make up about 80% of their diet.
However, it’s always good to add some variety to your beardie’s diet and add some other foods. Eggs are a perfect source of protein, minerals and vitamins that can help supplement your pet’s diet, and they also serve as an excellent staple food for your beardie.

Egg yolks contain higher levels of minerals and vitamins than the egg whites. For instance, it contains calcium, and it is crucial for healthy bone development. Calcium helps to build strong bones and reduces the risk of metabolic bone diseases that are often common in bearded dragons. Apart from this, egg yolks also contain essential amino acids, healthy fats, and antioxidants that can protect your beardie against infections and diseases.

But it’s really important to note that too much of a good thing is also bad. If fed incorrectly and excessively, eggs can cause health problems for your beardie. Excessive consumption can lead to obesity, which leads to several other health issues. It’s best to limit its consumption to once or twice a week and also ensure that you don’t feed it with raw eggs. Raw eggs can harbor salmonella bacteria, which is harmful to your pet’s health. It’s therefore essential to cook the eggs appropriately before feeding them to your beardie.

In conclusion, eggs can be a healthy addition to your beardie’s diet, provided they are served in moderation and after proper cooking. If you decide to add eggs to your beardie’s diet, be careful about how much you feed him. Use them as part of a diverse diet that also includes vegetables, fruits and, most importantly, insects. Finally, always remember to consult with a veterinarian who is knowledgeable about bearded dragons for more information. Ultimately, our objective is to maintain our pets healthy. By feeding them the correct nutrients from the appropriate sources, we can ensure that they live long and healthy lives.

The Frequency of Feeding Eggs to a Beardie

As an owner of a bearded dragon, it is essential to make sure that your pet receives the right diet to stay healthy and strong. These pets enjoy a primarily insectivorous diet with some vegetables and fruits. Besides, some nutritious treats like eggs can contribute to a balanced diet. However, there is a little bit of confusion among pet owners on how often to give eggs to their reptile pets. Allow us to walk you through the egg-feeding factors to consider to make your pet healthier and happier.

These reptiles can consume one boiled egg as a treat between two and four times per fortnight. Younger beardies will need relatively smaller portions than mature ones. [1]

Eggs are a great source of protein, and when offered in moderation, they can help promote healthy growth. However, giving your beardie too many eggs can lead to adverse health complications such as obesity and problems with kidneys.

The Frequency of Feeding Eggs to a Beardie

When feeding eggs to your reptile pet, it is crucial to make sure they are cooked to avoid salmonella infection. Salmonella can cause severe digestive problems and, in extreme cases, kidney failure. Thus, avoid raw or undercooked eggs. Boiling eggs for about 5 to 10 minutes will suffice. You can even mix a boiled egg with the usual insect and plant-based food to make it more nutritious and exciting.

Another essential factor to consider when feeding eggs to your reptile pet is the level of phosphorus and calcium. These are minerals that the dragon needs for strong bones and overall skeletal development.

Eggs are a great source of both calcium and phosphorus, but too much phosphorus in relation to calcium may cause metabolic bone disease. Therefore, to avoid this disease, it is essential to strike a balance between the two mining points.

If your beardie is either obese or has a history of kidney problems, feeding it eggs is not recommended. Instead, consult your veterinarian on a suitable diet plan that can help your pet.

Feeding eggs to your reptile pet is a perfect way to offer a delicious and nutritious treat, but moderation is key. Consider factors such as the age and size of your pet, minerals like calcium and phosphorus and potential health complications, such as kidney problems, before introducing any food. Additionally, always make sure the eggs are well cooked to avoid salmonella infection. When done correctly, feeding eggs to your reptile pet can result in a healthier, happier, and more robust pet.

Eggs for a Bearded Dragon: Why to Limit?

Bearded dragons are types of lizards that are omnivorous and need a diet consisting of animal-based foods and greenery to thrive. One popular food that is often included in their diet plan is eggs. While they make for a nutritious and protein-rich addition to the diet of your bearded dragon, they mustn’t be offered regularly. Now, we will explore the reasons why limiting eggs is crucial for the general health of your reptile pet.

Digestive System Troubles

One main reason to limit eggs in the diet of your reptile pet is that it can lead to digestive system troubles. Bearded dragons are prone to developing kidney stones if their diet is excessively protein-rich as the excess protein in their system causes high levels of uric acid. Eggs can be hard on their digestive system because they can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients in their system, which can contribute to gastritis, diarrhea, and other digestive problems. [2]

Calcium Deficiency

Excessive egg consumption can also lead to calcium deficiency in these pets. Unlike other reptiles, bearded dragons do not need a lot of protein in their diet.

Calcium Deficiency

Because of this, when eggs are offered in large amounts, the phosphorus-to-calcium ratio becomes imbalanced, which can lead to a calcium deficiency. This deficiency can cause problems with health such as MBD, or metabolic bone disease.

High Cholesterol

Eggs are high in cholesterol and fatty acids which may lead to health issues in your reptile pet if they consume too much. Overconsumption of cholesterol can lead to heart disease, liver dysfunction, and other serious health conditions. [2]

Variety is Key

Offering your reptile pets different foods ensures that they get all the necessary nutrients. While eggs can provide a lot of nutritional value, giving them as a treat on occasion rather than a regular food staple ensures that your bearded dragon is getting all the essential nutrients their body requires for good health.

Moderation is the Key

If you decide to offer eggs to your bearded dragon, do so in moderation. Both the egg yolk and egg white should be offered in moderation. A couple of times a month is enough to provide them with the necessary protein they need. Ensure the eggs are properly cooked to avoid any potential issues like bacterial infections.

While eggs are a good addition to the diet of your reptile pet, it is important to limit them to a small portion of their overall diet. Over-feeding eggs can lead to health complications like digestive problems, calcium deficiency, and high cholesterol. Keep a healthy diet and ensure it has a balance of all the nutrients required to keep your reptile pet healthy and thriving.

Hard Boiled Eggs for a Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons, also known as Pogona Vitticeps, are omnivorous reptiles that enjoy a diverse diet. They can consume insects, vegetables and fruits, but finding different food options for them may pose a challenge. Fortunately, hard-boiled eggs are an excellent protein source. This part of our blog post aims to guide pet owners on safely incorporating hard-boiled eggs into the diet of their bearded dragons.

First, prepare a hard-boiled egg by boiling it in water for approximately 8-10 minutes. After boiling, let the egg cool in cold water and then remove the shell. Cut the egg into small pieces suitable for your bearded dragon’s consumption.

Next, assess your bearded dragon’s readiness to eat hard-boiled eggs. These reptiles can be picky eaters, so introducing eggs into their diet can be challenging. Begin with giving a small amount of egg and observe their reaction. If they initially refuse, try gradually introducing it a few times a week to help them get accustomed to the new food.

You should remember that hard-boiled eggs mustn’t be the only source of protein for such a reptile pet as a bearded dragon.

In addition to hard-boiled eggs, include other nutrient-rich products in their diet. Supplement their meals with fruits and vegetables high in vitamins and minerals, such as kale, carrots, and mango.

When serving hard-boiled eggs, it’s highly important to do so in moderation. Treat them as occasional additions to their diet, rather than a regular component. Once or twice a week is a recommended frequency.

Hard Boiled Eggs for a Bearded Dragon

Lastly, monitor your bearded dragon’s overall health. Regularly check for signs of illness, including weight loss, lethargy, and difficulty breathing. Avoid overfeeding them with any other food.

So, hard-boiled eggs give all the essential protein and nutrients to your bearded dragon. However, it’s crucial to offer a variety of food groups to ensure a balanced diet. Incorporating fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-rich options is necessary.

Scrambled Eggs for a Bearded Dragon

If you’re a bearded dragon owner, you understand the importance of keeping your pet well-fed and healthy. However, it can sometimes be challenging to come up with fresh and exciting meal ideas that your beardie will enjoy. That’s where scrambled eggs come in! Not only are they delicious and nutritious, but they’re also incredibly simple to prepare. Here we’ll show you how to make scrambled eggs for your bearded dragon and explain why it’s an excellent food choice for your pet.

Let’s start by emphasizing that eggs should not comprise the main portion of the diet of your bearded dragon. Instead, they should consume a variety of foods, including live insects, as well as a mix of vegetables and fruits. However, eggs can serve as a wonderful addition to their diet as a treat or supplement. To make scrambled eggs, crack 1-2 eggs into a bowl and whisk them together. You can add a drop of water or milk to create a creamier texture. Next, heat a non-stick pan over medium-low heat and add the egg mixture. Use a spatula to scramble the eggs as they cook, ensuring that they break into little pieces.

Once the eggs are fully cooked, remove them from the heat and let them cool down for a moment before you serve them to your reptile pet. For added nutrients and flavor, you can mix in some diced vegetables or fruits.

Scrambled eggs are a great source of protein for such an interesting pet as a bearded dragon.
Protein is vital for their growth and development, and eggs contain all the essential amino acids their bodies need. Also they provide really important minerals and vitamins such as vitamin A, iron, and calcium.

Remember to offer scrambled eggs to your bearded dragon in moderation because excessive protein intake can negatively impact their health. Aim to treat your reptile pets with eggs not more often than once or twice a week.

Scrambled Eggs for a Bearded Dragon

In conclusion, scrambled eggs can be a delicious and nutritious addition to the diet of your bearded dragon. They’re not difficult to prepare, packed with protein and all the necessary nutrients, and can offer a delightful change to your pet’s meals. Just remember to provide a well-balanced diet by offering a variety of foods. Your reptile pet will truly appreciate this delightful treat!


Can bearded dragons eat chicken?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat chicken, but only as an occasional treat. Too much protein and fat in their diet can lead to kidney and liver problems. A bearded dragon’s diet should consist mainly of vegetables and fruits, with live insects offered as a protein source. If you decide to feed your bearded dragon chicken, make sure it’s cooked and boneless. Raw chicken contains harmful bacteria that can make them severely ill. Another thing to keep in mind is that chicken doesn’t provide all the essential amino acids that bearded dragons need. So, it’s essential to include other protein sources in their diet.

What should I not Feed my bearded dragon?

Bearded dragons have a sensitive digestive system, and some foods can be dangerous to their health. Here are some things to avoid when feeding your bearded dragon:

  • Wild-caught insects: You never know what pesticides or diseases they might carry.
  • Human food: Chips, candy, and other junk food are harmful to bearded dragons and can cause obesity and other health problems.
  • Avocado: Avocado contains a toxin called Persin, which can be lethal to bearded dragons.
  • Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits can cause digestive problems and discomfort.

What protein can I feed my bearded dragon?

As mentioned earlier, a bearded dragon’s diet should consist mainly of vegetables and fruits, with live insects offered as a protein source. Some insects that are rich in protein and perfect for bearded dragons include crickets, mealworms, silkworms, and Dubia roaches. Each type of insect has its nutritional benefits, so it’s always a good idea to offer a variety of them to provide your bearded dragon with all the essential nutrients. You can also offer some other protein sources such as boiled egg, cooked ground turkey, or tofu.

Can bearded dragons eat cheese?

Cheese is known for its high-fat content and low nutritional value, making it a treat food for humans. However, for bearded dragons, it’s not an ideal snack. Cheese is high in protein but has low calcium and vitamin content. Bearded dragons require a 2:1 calcium to phosphorus ratio, and cheese can’t provide the right amount of calcium. Too much protein intake can also lead to liver and kidney problems. Therefore, cheese should not be a regular part of your bearded dragon’s diet.

Useful Video: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Eggs


In conclusion, bearded dragons can eat eggs, but it’s essential to handle them safely and cook them thoroughly to reduce the risk of salmonella. Eggs are an excellent source of protein and other nutrients that are important for your dragon’s health. However, eggs should not be the primary food for your bearded dragon and should be offered in moderation as a treat. If you’re unsure whether eggs are suitable for your bearded dragon, consult your veterinarian to get the best advice.


  1. https://dragonsdiet.com/blogs/dragon-care/can-bearded-dragons-eat-eggs#:~:text=The%20answer%20is%20simple%3A%20Bearded,Protein.
  2. https://dragonsdiet.com/blogs/dragon-care/can-bearded-dragons-eat-eggs