
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pineapple?

Bearded dragons are a common pet reptile and an excellent addition to any family. They are friendly, easy-going, and great for beginner reptile owners. As a reptile owner, it’s essential to feed your bearded dragon with a healthy, balanced diet to ensure they remain in tip-top health. One common question that many beardie owners ask is whether their dragons can eat Pineapple. Well, the good news is that pineapples are not toxic to your pet reptile, and they contain several essential nutrients. In this blog post, we’ll explore the nutritional benefits of pineapple, the recommended serving size, and the best way to serve it to your pet.

Bearded Dragons: Why Are They Getting So Popular?

Bearded dragons are becoming more and more popular as pets. They are unique, fascinating, and easy to care for, which makes owning one an accessible dream for many people.

Bearded Dragons: Why Are They Getting So Popular?

But what is it about bearded dragons that make them a great pet choice? For the beginning, we offer you to explore why these reptiles are gaining in popularity, what unique traits make them special, and why you should consider welcoming one into your home.

The appeal of their unique appearance

When it comes to pets, there’s no denying that bearded dragons are head-turners. These reptiles have a distinctive appearance that immediately catches people’s attention. Their striking scales, triangular-shaped head, and spiky beard are unlike any other pet you’ve likely seen before. They also come in a range of colors, such as bright oranges, sandy browns, earthy greens, or gray. Their unique look is what makes them so appealing to most pet lovers.

Their calm and friendly nature

Bearded dragons are one of the most docile reptiles, which makes them easy to handle and bond with. They are generally calm and curious animals, which means that they love to explore and interact with their owners. They also have a relaxed temperament that makes them suitable for beginners or children interested in reptile pets. Plus, they do not require excessive attention or fussiness like some other pets.

An easy-to-care-for pet

Another reason why bearded dragons are a desirable pet is their ease of care. They require very minimal maintenance compared to other pets such as cats or dogs. You will have to set up a comfortable enclosure and provide fresh water and daily food, but they don’t require frequent grooming, walking, or complex diet routines. Additionally, they do not generate much odor or noise, so they’re a perfect companion if you live in an apartment or a small house.

Fascinating behavior

Bearded dragons also have some fascinating behavior that can be entertaining to watch. These animals have unique ways of showing their personalities through their body movements, displays, and different vocalizations. For instance, they can puff up their beards, sometimes changing color to indicate their mood, or even have a defensive posture to show that they don’t want to be bothered. Although they don’t require too much interaction from their human companions, they can provide endless hours of entertainment from observing their fascinating behavior.

Their popularity is here to stay

It’s not hard to see why bearded dragons have become popular pets in recent years. They’re easy to care for, unique, and fascinating animals, with lovable personalities, which make them an excellent choice for anyone interested in owning a reptile pet. As they’re getting more attention, so are the products and accessories available for them, making it even easier to care for them. As a pet, they have many benefits, and the growing number of enthusiasts guarantees that their popularity is here to stay.

Their popularity is here to stay

While owning a pet has different responsibilities, having a bearded dragon as one is a rewarding experience that offers numerous benefits. Their unique appearance, friendly nature, fascinating behavior, and easy care regimen make them a fantastic choice for anyone interested in keeping an exotic pet. With their growing popularity, it’s easy to find information, food, or any necessary supplies, which support their care. Welcome a bearded dragon to your home today, and enjoy the many years of companionship it can bring.

Fruits for Your Bearded Dragon: Pros and Cons

Beardies are friendly pets that make great companions for seasoned pet owners and first-time owners of the reptiles alike. One of the best things about owning a bearded dragon is that they are really easy to take care of and love to eat a variety of foods. However, their dietary requirements can be a bit tricky. While they primarily rely on insects and vegetables, adding fruits to their diet can also provide vital nutrients.

Pros of adding fruits to the diet of your bearded dragon

Fruits are high in fiber

Fruits are rich in fiber, which is essential for a healthy digestive system in bearded dragons. By adding fruits to the diet of the bearded dragon, the reptiles are able to digest food better and avoid constipation. Some fruits high in fiber include apples, bananas, pineapples, and berries.

They’re loaded with minerals and vitamins

It’s not a secret that fruits have a lot of important minerals and vitamins that are necessary for the development and maintenance of your reptile’s immune system. Adding fruits like oranges and kiwis will provide your reptile pet with vitamin C, which helps fight off infections and supports healthy skin.

Fruits can be a tasty treat

If you’re looking for a way to show your bearded dragon some extra love, fruits can make a delicious and nutritious treat. Feed them small pieces of fruits like grapes, blueberries, and watermelon for a fun snack.

Cons of adding fruits to the diet of your bearded dragon:

Sugar content

One of the cons of feeding fruits to your bearded dragon is that they can be high in sugar. Feeding them too much of fruits like grapes or bananas can cause diabetes, obesity, and other health issues. Always introduce them in small quantities and make sure to monitor the amount your pet is taking.

Calcium to phosphorus ratio

Another consideration is the calcium to phosphorus ratio. Fruits have a low content of calcium, and if they’re overconsumed, it may lead to metabolic bone disease in your reptile pet. Always prioritize feeding your pet foods with high calcium content, for example collard greens, kale, and mustard greens.


Fruits, even organically grown, might have pesticide residue. Remember that you should always wash their fruits thoroughly before feeding them to your reptile pet. Try to buy organic fruits or from trusted farms when possible.


Feeding fruits in moderation can be a nutritious and delicious addition to the diet of your bearded dragon. However, always remember to prioritize vegetables and insects that make up the core of their diet. When giving fruits, stick to fiber-rich fruits and never overfeed them the sweet ones. With all this in mind, you can ensure your bearded dragon stays healthy and happy for years to come.

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Pineapples?

It’s not a secret that bearded dragons are easy-going and social animals that require appropriate care. As a responsible owner, it’s your responsibility to feed the right food for your pet and fulfill their nutritional requirements. But, can bearded dragons eat pineapples? This is the question that pops up in many pet owners’ minds.

These reptiles need a balanced diet and a large amount of protein to stay healthy. While they can have a sweet tooth, not all fruits are healthy for them. Fruits like avocados and citrus fruits can be harmful to your pet’s health.

Pineapples are a fruit that falls in the gray area.
The acidic content and high sugar levels in pineapples may not always go well with your pet’s digestive system. Moreover, pineapples also contain bromelain which is a protein-digesting enzyme that can cause health issues if consumed in excess.

Although pineapples are not toxic to bearded dragons, it is best to feed this fruit in moderation. Pineapples can be given as an occasional treat but should not replace any of the required daily nutritious foods. It is also important to remove the hard skin and prickly part of the pineapple before offering it to your pet since the bearded dragons cannot chew on the hard parts of fruits since they don’t have any teeth. The safest way to serve pineapples to your bearded dragon is in small boiled quantities.

If you want to introduce pineapples to your bearded dragon’s diet, you should always monitor their health and observe them after eating this fruit. Keeping in mind the pineapple’s acidic nature, it is not advisable to give it to bearded dragons suffering from digestive issues or  high uric acid levels. Also you have to remove any seeds or core part before feeding it to your pet. Seeds can be choked and can lead to fatal health conditions. [2]

Bearded dragons require a diet that provides them with a complete range of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and proteins to stay healthy and active. Pineapples can be given to your bearded dragon occasionally, but it should not take up a significant portion of their daily food intake. Always remember that a well-nourished bearded dragon is a happy bearded dragon. Keep this in mind, and you will have a healthy and long-lasting relationship with your pet.

Why Are Pineapples Good for Your Beardie?

In this part of our blog post, we explore why pineapples are good for your beardie, how to add them to their diet, and any precautions you should take.

Pineapples are a great source of minerals and vitamins

Pineapples contain a range of important minerals and vitamins vital for your beardie’s overall health. For instance, pineapples are a perfect source of vitamin C, that is essential for the absorption of calcium, a nutrient that is vital for healthy bone development.

Pineapples are a great source of minerals and vitamins

They also contain vitamin B6, which helps in energy metabolism and the building of protein structures. Minerals such as potassium and magnesium are also present in pineapples, which helps regulate your pet’s hydration levels and maintain healthy muscle function. [1]

Pineapples have digestive benefits

If your beardie is experiencing digestive problems, adding some pineapple to their diet can help alleviate some of those issues. Pineapples contain bromelain, an enzyme that aids in the digestion of proteins. The bromelain in pineapples helps break down the proteins in their food, making them easier to digest. Be sure to feed your beardie fresh pineapples rather than canned ones, which can contain added sugars and preservatives that can harm your pet. [2]

Pineapples are low in fat

We all know the risks of obesity in pets. It puts them at risk of developing health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and joint issues. Pineapples are low-fat food that you can feed your beardie when they need to lose weight. Your beardie’s diet should consist of mostly vegetables, fruits and some insects, with a higher proportion of vegetables. Be sure to monitor the amount of pineapple you feed your beardie, as too much of it can lead to digestive issues.

Pineapples can boost your beardie’s immune system

Pineapples are rich in antioxidants, and they help to prevent cell damage and inflammation. By adding some pineapple to your beardie’s diet, you can boost their immune system and protect them from free radicals. A healthy immune system is critical in helping your pet fight off infections and diseases.

Pineapples are a tasty treat

Aside from the health reasons mentioned above, pineapples are a tasty treat that your beardie will enjoy as a part of their diet. Cut them into small pieces and mix with other fruits and veggies to create a well-rounded diet for your pet.

Adding pineapples to your beardie’s diet is an excellent way to boost their general health, but it’s essential to ensure that you don’t overfeed them.
Include pineapples as part of their regular diet alongside other fruits and vegetables, and make sure to give them fresh, ripe pineapple rather than canned ones. By doing so, you will keep your bearded dragon healthy and happy.

How Beardies Eat Pineapples

Bearded dragons are lovable creatures that have become increasingly popular as pets over the years. Known for their friendly personalities and impressive features, bearded dragons have become a common household pet for many.

How Beardies Eat Pineapples

One of the most fascinating aspects of these creatures is their diet. While most people might assume that bearded dragons eat insects and small rodents, many don’t know that they also enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables, including pineapples. Let’s explore how bearded dragons eat pineapples and why it’s beneficial for their health.

The benefits of feeding bearded dragons pineapples

Pineapples are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is essential for a bearded dragon’s health. They also contain enzymes that can aid in digestion and help reduce inflammation. Additionally, pineapples have a high water content, which is crucial for keeping bearded dragons hydrated.

Preparing the pineapples for your bearded dragon

Before feeding your bearded dragon pineapples, it’s essential to prepare them properly. Start by cutting the pineapple into small pieces that are easy for your pet to eat. Make sure to remove the skin and any prickly parts carefully. It’s important not to get any of the pineapple juice on your hands, as it can cause skin irritation.

Tips for introducing pineapples into your bearded dragon’s diet

When introducing pineapples into your bearded dragon’s diet, it’s essential to start small. Pineapples are relatively high in sugar, so too much too quickly can cause digestive issues. Begin by introducing small pieces into their regular diet and slowly increase the amount over time. Always make sure to monitor your bearded dragon’s behavior to ensure they are able to digest the pineapple comfortably.

Alternative ways to feed pineapples to your bearded dragon

If your bearded dragon is having difficulty eating the pineapple pieces, there are alternative methods to try.

One option is to puree the pineapple to create a soft, easy-to-digest mixture.
You can also try cutting the pineapple in different shapes or sizes to see what your bearded dragon prefers.

Other beneficial fruits to feed your bearded dragon

While pineapples are an excellent option, there are other fruits you can feed your bearded dragon, including strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. These fruits are also high in Vitamin C and contain other essential nutrients to support your pet’s health.

Other beneficial fruits to feed your bearded dragon

Feeding your bearded dragon pineapples is a fun and impressive feat that can benefit their overall health. While it’s important to take precautions and introduce the fruit slowly, the benefits of this delicious treat make it well worth the effort. Remember to always monitor your bearded dragon’s behavior and follow proper preparation techniques to see the best results. By providing your pet with a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, you’ll help them live a long and healthy life. So next time you’re grocery shopping, don’t forget the pineapple!


How much pineapple can a bearded dragon eat?

Bearded dragons can eat pineapple in moderation. As a rule of thumb, you should only give one cube or a thin slice of pineapple once a week. This way, your bearded dragon can enjoy the sweet tropical treat without having too much sugar or acidity that could upset its stomach. Additionally, make sure you remove the skin and the core of the pineapple since they are hard to digest.

Can bearded dragons eat kiwi?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat kiwi. Kiwi is a great source of vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. However, just like pineapples, kiwis are high in sugar and acidity, so you should be careful about the frequency and amount you feed to your bearded dragon. In general, you can give your bearded dragon a slice or two of kiwi as an occasional treat.

What do bearded dragons enjoy the most?

Bearded dragons enjoy eating various types of leafy greens and non-citrus fruits. Some of the best greens for bearded dragons include collard greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, bok choy, kale, and arugula. Non-citrus fruits like apples, berries, and bananas are also safe and nutritious for bearded dragons.

Useful Video: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pineapple


In conclusion, pineapples are safe and healthy for your pet bearded dragon. Pineapple contains several essential minerals and vitamins that are essential for growth and development. However, it is essential to start with small servings and monitor your pet’s reaction. Feed your beardie with fresh, ripe pineapples and avoid canned pineapples. Additionally, pineapple should only be offered as a treat or an occasional snack. Remember to mix pineapple with other foods to ensure that your bearded dragon is getting a balanced diet. By following these tips, your bearded dragon will be healthy and happy.


  1. https://dragonsdiet.com/blogs/dragon-care/can-bearded-dragon-eat-pineapple
  2. https://oddlycutepets.com/bearded-dragon-pineapple/