
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

What to Do With Infertile Chameleon Eggs: A Comprehensive Guide

What to Do With Infertile Chameleon Eggs?

When it comes to What to Do With Infertile Chameleon Eggs, there are many potential solutions. If you have been struggling to hatch eggs, or you have a surplus of infertile eggs, read on for some tips and advice. We will discuss everything from incubating eggs to hatching methods, as well as what to do if all else fails.

Chameleons egg-laying process

Chameleons egg-laying process

Chameleons go through a process called gravid swelling prior to laying eggs. This is when the female’s abdomen swells up significantly as the eggs inside her mature. Once the swellings start, it is only a matter of time before she lays her clutch. The entire process from start to finish can take anywhere from two weeks to two months. [1]

During this time, it is important to keep a close eye on your Chameleon and make sure she is getting enough food and water. She will likely be less active than usual and may even spend most of her time in hiding. This is perfectly normal behavior and nothing to worry about.

Once the eggs are laid, they will be encased in a thin, white membrane. This is called an egg sac and it will protect the eggs until they are ready to hatch. The egg sac will eventually harden and turn brown as it dries out. At this point, you can remove it or leave it be.

If you choose to remove the egg sac, make sure you do so gently. Use a sharp knife or scissors to carefully cut it open, being careful not to damage the eggs inside. Once the sac is opened, you can either incubate the eggs immediately or transfer them to another container for incubation.

If you decide to incubate the eggs yourself, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. First of all, Chameleon eggs require a very specific temperature and humidity level in order to hatch successfully.

The ideal incubation temperature for Chameleon eggs is between 82 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity level should be kept at around 80%. If the conditions are too dry, the eggs will dehydrate and die. If they are too wet, they will rot.

You will also need to provide adequate ventilation for the eggs. This can be done by drilling small holes in the lid of the container or by using an egg carton with perforated sides.

Once you have the incubation chamber set up, it’s time to add the eggs. Gently place them on their side in the bottom of the container, making sure they are not touching each other.

It is important to turn the eggs every few days to prevent them from sticking to the sides of the container or each other. Eggs that are not turned will not hatch.

The incubation period for Chameleon eggs is more than 180 days, depending on the species. Once they are close to hatching, you will notice small cracks starting to form in the eggshells. [2]

Do not be tempted to open the eggs at this point! The babies need the extra time in the egg to fully develop their lungs and other organs. hatched too early, they will likely die.

When they are ready to hatch, the babies will push their way out of the eggshells and climb out on their own. They will be tiny, but fully formed and ready to start their lives.

Chameleons egg-laying process

If you find that your eggs are not hatching, or that the embryos have died, there are a few things you can do. One option is to try artificial incubation.

This involves using an incubator to maintain the correct temperature and humidity levels. If you go this route, it is important to use a reliable incubator and follow the instructions carefully.

Another option is to contact a reptile specialist or breeder for advice. They may be able to help you troubleshoot the problem or even loan you an incubator.

The reason for infertile Chameleon eggs is usually due to one of two things: either the female was not properly cared for during the mating and egg-laying process, or the eggs were not fertilized.

If you suspect that your Chameleon’s eggs are infertile, there is no need to despair. There are still plenty of things you can do to give them a fighting chance.

One option is to carefully pierce the eggshells with a sterile needle and add a small amount of water. This will help to keep the embryos from drying out.

Another option is to incubate the eggs in vermiculite or sphagnum moss. This will help to maintain the correct level of humidity for hatching.

No matter what you decide to do, it is important to be patient. Chameleon eggs can take a long time to hatch, even when all the conditions are perfect.

If you have followed all the instructions and given them plenty of time, but the eggs still have not hatched, there is one last thing you can try.

Some Chameleon species will only hatch if they are disturbed in some way. This means that you may need to gently tap or shake the container every few days.

This will simulate the natural hatching process and could be just what your eggs need to finally hatch.

If all else fails, don’t give up hope. There are many things that can happen during the incubation process that are out of your control.

Chameleons egg-laying process

Sometimes, even when everything is done right, the eggs just don’t hatch. If this happens, try again next season. With a little luck, you will be successful the second time around.

How to identify an egg-bound Chameleon?

There are several ways to tell if a Chameleon is egg-bound.

The most common and easiest way is to look for physical signs such as a distended abdomen, or an enlarged cloaca.

If your Chameleon has either of these signs, it’s likely she is egg-bound.

Other less common but still possible physical signs include lethargy, loss of appetite, and increased basking behaviors.

If you suspect your Chameleon may be egg-bound, take her to the vet immediately for a professional diagnosis. [3]

Egg-binding in female Chameleons

Egg-binding, or dystocia, is a common problem in female Chameleons and can have several causes. The most common cause is insufficient calcium in the diet, which can lead to metabolic bone disease and a weakening of the muscles used for egg-laying. Other causes of dystocia include obesity, dehydration, and stress.

Egg-binding in female Chameleons

If your female Chameleon is egg-bound, she will likely show some or all of the following signs:

  • Swollen abdomen
  • Straining to lay eggs
  • lethargy
  • Loss of appetite

If you suspect that your Chameleon is egg-bound, it is important to seek veterinary care as soon as possible. Egg-binding can be fatal if left untreated.

Treatment will vary depending on the cause of the dystocia but may include calcium supplementation, hydration therapy, and/or manual removal of the eggs.

Once at the vet, they will likely do an x-ray to confirm the presence of eggs and to determine how many she is carrying. If your Chameleon is indeed egg-bound, the vet will likely recommend one of two courses of treatment.

The first option is to manually remove the eggs. This is a delicate procedure that should only be performed by a qualified veterinarian.

The second option is to give your Chameleon injections of calcium and hormones to help her shed the eggs on her own. This treatment can take several weeks and may require multiple vet visits, but it carries a lower risk of complications than manual removal.

Prevention is always the best medicine when it comes to dystocia. Make sure to provide your Chameleon with a well-rounded diet that includes plenty of calcium, and avoid any sudden weight loss or gain. If you have any concerns about your Chameleon’s health, please don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian.

Whichever treatment option you choose, be sure to follow your veterinarian’s instructions carefully and monitor your Chameleon closely for any signs of distress. With proper care, most Chameleons will make a full recovery from egg-binding.

Difference between fertile and infertile eggs

The main difference between fertile and infertile eggs is that fertile eggs have the ability to develop into a baby Chameleon whereas infertile eggs cannot.

Difference between fertile and infertile eggs

The first thing you need to understand is the difference between fertile and infertile eggs. A fertile egg will have a white, chalky appearance and be relatively firm. An infertile egg, on the other hand, will appear shrunken and rubbery. If you’re not sure whether an egg is fertile or not, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and assume that it is.

There are several reasons why an egg might be infertile including:

  • The egg was not fertilized by a male Chameleon.
  • The female Chameleon is too young or too old.
  • The female Chameleon is unhealthy.
  • The conditions in the terrarium are not ideal for breeding (e.g., the temperature is too low).
If you’re not sure whether your eggs are fertile or not, you can try candling them. Candling is a process where you hold an egg up to a light source so that you can see inside of it. If the egg is fertile, you should be able to see a dark spot in the center which is the developing embryo. [4]

What to do with infertile Chameleon eggs?

If you have a Chameleon that has laid eggs, but they are infertile, there are a few options for what to do next:

  • Donate them to a local reptile rescue or reptile zoo.
  • Use them as educational tools in a classroom setting.
  • Incubate them and hope that they hatch (not recommended).
  • Throw them away.

Donating your infertile eggs is probably the best option as there are many rescues and zoos that would love to have them for educational purposes. If you are set on incubating them, you can try, but it is not recommended as most likely they will not hatch. Throwing them away is also an option, but please make sure to dispose of them properly so that animals or small children do not come into contact with them.


Can I put my Chameleon eggs in the fridge?

No, you should not put your Chameleon eggs in the fridge. The cold temperature will kill the embryo inside the egg.

How many eggs do Chameleons lay?

Chameleons typically lay between 20 and 30 eggs at a time. If you find that your Chameleon has laid an infertile egg, don’t worry – this is perfectly normal! [5]

Do female panther Chameleons lay infertile eggs?

It’s a common misconception that female panther Chameleons only lay infertile eggs. In fact, they are capable of laying both fertile and infertile eggs. However, the percentage of infertile eggs is usually higher in captive populations due to a variety of factors such as stress, poor nutrition, and lack of genetic diversity.

Can a Chameleon lay fertile eggs without mating?

The answer is no. A Chameleon cannot lay fertile eggs without a mate. Chameleons are reptiles, and like all reptiles, they require a male to fertilize the female’s eggs. This process is called internal fertilization, and it occurs when the male Chameleon inserts his penis into the female Chameleon’s cloaca (reproductive opening). The sperm then travel up the female’s reproductive tract and fertilize her eggs.

What do I do with infertile eggs?

First, don’t despair. It’s not uncommon for Chameleons to lay infertile eggs, especially if they are young or new to breeding. There are a few things you can do with them.

One option is to incubate the eggs anyway and see if any of them hatch. This isn’t likely to be successful, but it’s worth a try if you’re feeling hopeful.

Another possibility is to donate the eggs to a local reptile rescue or zoo. They may be able to use them in their educational programs or research projects.

Finally, you can dispose of the eggs in the trash. Be sure to wrap them securely so that they don’t break and attract pests.

Should I remove Chameleon eggs?

If you have an infertile egg, it is best to remove it from the enclosure. If you do not want to remove the egg, you can place it in a different part of the enclosure where the female cannot see it.

What do I do with the eggs my Chameleon laid?

First of all, it’s important to determine whether the eggs are fertile or not. If they are infertile, there’s no need to do anything further – just dispose of them. However, if they are fertile, you’ll need to take some extra steps to ensure that they hatch successfully.

One of the most important things to do is to maintain the correct temperature and humidity levels for incubating the eggs. If either of these is too high or too low, it can prevent the eggs from hatching properly.

You’ll also need to turn the eggs regularly – at least once a day, but preferably more often if you can. This helps to prevent them from sticking to the sides of the incubator, and also encourages even growth.

Once the eggs have hatched, you’ll need to care for the baby Chameleons. This includes providing them with food, water, and suitable habitat.

Useful Video: How to Tell the Difference Between Fertile and Infertile Eggs!


As you can see, there are a few different options available to you when it comes to dealing with infertile Chameleon eggs. No matter which route you decide to take, the most important thing is that you give your Chameleons the best possible care.

We hope this guide has been helpful. Thanks for reading!


  1. https://petkeen.com/do-chameleons-lay-eggs/
  2. https://www.sa-chameleons.com/incubation-patience-required/
  3. https://animals.mom.com/identify-egg-bound-chameleon-4354.html
  4. https://www.ugm.ac.id/en/news/19449-ugm-nutritionist-there-is-no-distinction-of-nutritional-values-between-fertile-and-infertile-chicken-eggs
  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/Chameleons/comments/4ki1cl/how_many_eggs_and_how_often_are_veiled_chameleons/