- Size: 1.6 Ounce
- Brand Fluker s
- 0.8 Ounces

- Brand Zilla
- Item Weight 0.8 Ounces
- Item Form Dry

- Brand Zilla
- Flavor Other
- Item Form Treats

- Brand Zoo Med
- Item Weight 0.3 Pounds
- All Life Stages

- Brand Fluker s
- Item Form Pellets
- All Breed Sizes
Choose the Best Crested Gecko Food
Customer’s Choice: the Best Crested Gecko Foods/h3>
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Crested geckos are a popular reptile, and for good reason. They have a playful personality and make great pets. But in order to keep them happy and healthy, you need to provide them with the right food sources. In this blog post we will discuss the best foods for crested geckos so that your pet can live a long, healthy life!
Freeze Dried Crickets, 1.2oz

The country of origin is the United States. One of the included components is Fluker’s 1.2-ounce Freeze Dried Crickets. They are nutritious and easy to digest. The average life span is one hour, but there can be exceptions.
Zilla Reptile Munchies For Pets, 4-Ounce With Calcium

These items will help you get a habitat started that your pet can live in.To take care of your pet reptile, you need food, a way to tell the temperature and humidity levels in the cage, heat sources, lights for when it is dark outside, accessories like tunnels and plants for your pet to play with on top of what they get in their cage.
Zilla Reptile Food Munchies Mealworm, 3.75-Ounce

The Zilla brand provides innovative and necessary products for your lizard and frog habitats. Their products include terrariums, bark bedding, floating platforms, and more. Essentials are also for pet reptiles. You will need to have food, gauges, heat, light, accessories and supplements. Zilla products have all of these things for your first pet reptile or if you are already an enthusiast.
Zoo Med Crested Gecko Food – Tropical Fruit – 2 oz

Zoo Med crested gecko diet can also be fed to day Geckos, gargoyle Geckos, new caledonian giant Geckos, and other new caledonian species. Powdered food for Crested Geckos of all life stages Proven beneficial to female Geckos in breeding, egg development, and producing healthy offspring. Now includes greater quantities of fruits and insects, the two main Food sources in the natural diet of the new caledonian gecko. A better digestion and stool consistency, as well as a clear improvement in healthy Weight and growth in juvenile Geckos, were all observed.
Fluker’s Premium Crested Gecko Diet – Fruit and Insect Flavor

The vitamins and minerals in this food will help you stay healthy. The food also has carotenoids for your eyes, and other nutrients that are good for you. This formula is easy to mix. You just have to add water. It’s made in the U.S.A., so you know it’s good quality!
Buyer’s Guide
Crested Gecko diet in captivity
The crested gecko is a small-sized lizard native to the island of New Caledonia. In their natural habitat, Crested Geckos feed on fruit and insects found in the forest canopy. However, if you plan to have one as your pet it’s important for them to receive proper care. Their diet in captivity should be mainly composed of insects and occasional fruits.
You can also use other insect feeders such as wax worms or butterworms if desired. However, it is important for you to know that insects should not be your gecko`s main source of nutrients. Therefore, it is recommended for them to receive high-quality crested gecko food as well.
These little reptiles can feed on fruits from time to time but keep in mind that fruit juice will have the opposite effect due to its sugar content. If you would like to offer your gecko some fruits, try grapes or cranberries. They are also a great source of natural sugars which can be beneficial for their health as well.
Crested Geckos have been known to feed on tree sap in the wild but it is not recommended that you allow them to do so since this substance is high in sugar.
Crested Gecko diet in the wild
The crested gecko`s natural diet consists of fruit and insects. A wild-caught crested gecko will often refuse food if it is not the same as what they eat in their natural environment.
As a pet, your best option for feeding them is to stick with commercially produced Crested Gecko diets from reputable pet stores. They are easy to find and come in a wide variety of flavors that your gecko will love, such as fruit or even insects!
What makes a good Crested Gecko diet?
As with any pet food, it is important that you read the ingredients label – just because something says “Crested Gecko Diet” doesn’t mean it is good for your gecko. You want to make sure that the main ingredient in any Crested Gecko diet you purchase is either fruit or insects, and not a plant matter such as alfalfa hay. These diets can also contain other ingredients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids and probiotics which are beneficial for your gecko.
Remember that it is important to switch between different types of fruit and insects, as well as the diet you choose every few weeks in order to ensure a varied and adequate diet. This will also prevent any dietary deficiencies from occurring such as calcium deficiency or Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD).
Crested Gecko live-food diet
Crested Geckos are insectivores. They eat a variety of live insects such as crickets, roaches and mealworms. Crickets should be the staple diet however they will also feed on wax worms and silk worms occasionally to provide them with variation in their diets. The best way to offer your gecko food is by placing small insect pieces on the side of their enclosure by making a trail with them. Crested Geckos will also eat commercially made crested gecko diets and supplements, but these should only be used as treats and not for everyday feeding.
What insects can Crested Geckos eat?
Crested Geckos are insectivores, meaning they eat insects. They will eat a variety of insects including crickets and wax worms. It’s recommended to gut load your feeders before feeding them to the gecko so that it obtains maximum nutritional value from its meal.
What kind of worms can crested geckos eat?
Crested geckos can eat a variety of different types of food. In the wild, crested geckos will feed on fruit and insects such as crickets or mealworms.
Crickets are a good source of protein for your gecko. You can vary the size of crickets to change how much they eat. Smaller ones will be eaten by baby crested geckos faster than larger ones, so keep this in mind when you’re feeding them. Larger adults may not need as many large crickets as they can eat a smaller cricket in one sitting.
Mealworms are also good for your crested gecko. As with crickets, you should vary the size of mealworms to ensure that your pet is eating properly and getting enough nutrition from them. If possible, try feeding these worms by hand so that it’s easier to see when they are eaten.
What fruits can a Crested Gecko eat?
One of the best fruits to feed a crested gecko is banana. Bananas are full of nutrients and vitamins that can help them grow strong and healthy while also being very easy for the crested gecko to digest. Another great fruit choice is papaya which provides many important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, and zinc.
It is best to feed them small amounts of papaya once or twice a week in order to prevent any digestive discomfort that could come from overfeeding fruit.Some other fruits that can be fed to your Gecko include apple, watermelon, grapes, strawberry and blueberry.
What premix powder food brand is best for my crested gecko?
There are many premix crested gecko foods available on the market. The brand of food you choose will depend mostly on your personal preference and budget. You can buy a premix food that costs as low as $15, or you could spend upwards of $50 for some brands.
Crested Gecko feeding schedule
Crested Geckos are insectivorous, meaning they eat bugs. An adult gecko should be fed one-two insects two to three times per day depending on size of the gecko or crested food if you choose this route. Crickets and locusts are a good choice for Crested Geckos as well as a variety of mealworms, wax worms and silkworms.
Be sure to dust all insects that you feed your gecko with calcium powder or another calcium supplement before giving them to the crested geckos as well as gut-loading the crickets so they have good nutrients for feeding your pet lizard. Crested Geckos can also be fed on fruit-based crested gecko food or Crested Gecko Diet which are made with all the nutrients your pet needs.
If you choose not to feed insects, there are other options for feeding Crested Geckos including calcium powder mixed into mashed veggies and fruits that have been bought in a powdered form at the store. You can also get crested gecko pellets, which are fed once or twice a week.
If you have the time and inclination to make your own Crested Gecko diet it is possible but not highly recommended unless you really know what you’re doing.
Crested Gecko Eating Behavior
As with any reptile, it is important to never feed your gecko when you are in the same room or area. This can cause aggressive behavior from hungry crested geckos who smell food on you and mistake you for a cricket! Instead, place their dish of insects near where they’re being housed, but not in the same room. This way they can eat when it’s time to without being annoyed by you or other family members who may smell like food!
Crested Gecko Feeding Techniques
One of your main concerns as a Crested Geckos owner is where exactly do I put their food? It is best to feed your gecko at night when they are naturally active and hunting for food in the wild. This way you can be sure that they eat their full ration before going back into hiding for another day.
If a gecko eats too much at one time, they can get sick from it which is why feeding them in the evening when they are active makes sense as their food will be gone by morning before anything has a chance to go bad.
It may take you some time to train your crested geckos to eat the food that you offer them. You may also find it necessary to feed your geckos by hand for a while but be sure not to leave insects in with your pet after they’ve eaten as this can cause bacterial growth and illness.
Crested Gecko without food for a couple of days
This is the first thing you should consider. The Crested Gecko has a very fast metabolism so it will need to eat every day or two at least, but ideally more often than that. Crested Geckos are omnivores and therefore they will also require plant matter in their diets as well as insects – which means that there are a few different food sources that you can try for your gecko.
Do Crested Geckos need water?
No, they do not need water with their food. Crested Geckos will get all of the moisture that they need from the prey items that are in their diet. It is important to make sure that you mist your lizard once or twice a day if needed for humidity purposes but otherwise feeding them insects like crickets and mealworms (although mealworms can not be gut-loaded) will provide them enough hydration.
Do crested geckos need to eat every day?
Crested geckos are typically nocturnal, which means they like to be active at night. This is when they come out of hiding and eat their food. You do not need to feed your crested gecko every day; once or twice a week will suffice.
However, if you do decide to feed your crested gecko every day, make sure they are getting the appropriate amounts of food. Too much can cause them to become obese and too little may not be enough nutrients for a healthy lifestyle.
How often do I mist my crested gecko?
You should mist your crested gecko daily. They are arboreal, so they stay in the trees and never touch the ground unless it is humid out or you have a water dish that has standing water in their habitat. You can also spray them with warm water; make sure not to get any of this on their eyes because it can cause irritation. If you do not have a spray bottle or mister, you can use a damp paper towel to wipe them down.
While crested geckos are overall very easy pets to care for and maintain, they will need your attention every day so that their vivariums stay clean and dry. Provide enough ventilation in the habitat so that the substrate will dry out between misting.
Will a crested gecko starve itself?
A crested gecko can go for weeks without eating, but if you see your pet is losing weight or its stomach looks sunken it’s time to feed. Not feeding a sick animal may cause more harm than good so always monitor the health of your pet before determining whether an extended fasting period should be allowed.
When you purchase your crested gecko from a pet store or breeder it’s important that they are eating before bringing them home. If the animal is not eating, this can be an early warning sign of illness and also may mean there is a problem with its environment in which case you should seek veterinary attention immediately.
Will crested geckos eat mealworms?
Crested geckos will eat mealworms. They can also be fed other insects such as crickets, wax worms and roaches in addition to the staple diet of crested gecko food for adults or baby crested geckos which includes fruit flies, pinhead crickets and small phoenix worms. The main challenge with larger prey items such as mealworms is to ensure that they cannot escape and potentially harm the crested geckos.
Is tap water safe for Crested geckos?
No, it’s not. Tap water contains chlorine which is harmful to the lizard.
Do crested geckos like to be held?
Crested geckos are generally docile and will allow you to hold them for short periods of time. They do not like being held too long as it can make them nervous or upset their stomachs. If they feel threatened, such as by a loud noise or sudden movement, they might spray some musk on your hand which is a defense mechanism and needs to be washed off with warm water.
What is the best bedding for a crested gecko?
Crested geckos are diurnal (active during the day), which means that they need a bright UVB source to bask in. You can use reptile-specific fluorescent lights, or you can get one of our complete kits for reptiles with an included light fixture and basking bulb. Also make sure never to place your crested gecko in direct sunlight, as this will cause the temperature to rise quickly and could be dangerous for your reptile.
Can I kiss my crested gecko?
While some reptiles are not safe for humans to handle, most geckos can be trained to accept being handled with care. This is called socialization. Once your crested gecko becomes accustomed to human contact, you may find it enjoys cuddling and nuzzles under your chin or on top of your head.
Crested geckos are naturally shy and do not like to be handled roughly. If you attempt to hold your crested gecko too firmly, it will become scared or stressed. While a few gentle pets on the head from time-to-time is okay for most healthy reptiles, petting should never turn into rough play, and your gecko should never be turned upside down or forced to do anything it doesn’t want to.
Crested Geckos are generally docile and can be held, but they will also try their best to walk away from you if they feel threatened. If your crested gecko is running around its tank instead of hanging out with you, it’s likely trying to find a safe hiding spot. If this is the case, allow your gecko to walk around and explore its tank for a few minutes before you try holding it again.
Crested Geckos do not like being turned upside down or held too tightly because they feel as if their world has been turned upside down. Never turn your gecko upside down or hold it too tightly because this can be very stressful to them and they may startle, jump, or struggle.
Unless you are keeping multiple crested geckos of different sizes together in the same tank, there is no risk of injuring another crested gecko when handling one at a time. If you are trying to catch multiple geckos at once, be sure to scoop them up with a net rather than grabbing them by hand.
Crested Geckos can make very interesting pets; however they will not do well in homes where their owners have children or other pets that might mishandle the crested gecko. It is important to be extremely gentle with these lizards, and always treat them with care.
Crested Geckos are good pets for people who want small reptiles that also make interesting display animals. They do not require large tanks or expensive lighting systems like some other pet reptiles do, which makes owning a crested gecko an affordable option for many people.
Can a crested gecko eat bananas?
No. A crested gecko cannot eat bananas because they are not a natural part of their diet, and many fruit-based foods do not provide the proper nutrition for them in captivity.
Useful Video: What Is The Best Crested Gecko Food? | Brand Comparison
Crested Geckos are one of the most popular pet lizards out there. They’re easy to handle, non-aggressive and they don’t need a lot of room. Their care requirements also make them very beginner friendly! If you’ve never owned any type of lizard before then this may be the perfect choice for your first reptile. In this guide we’ll go over the basics on how to care for a crested gecko and help you choose one from your local pet shop!
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