- Improved Design
- Strong Adhesive
- Specifications

- Powerful Function
- Upgraded Version
- FOCUSPET for Pet Owner

- Helps reptiles
- Energy-efficient
- Ideal heat source

- Helps reptiles thromo-regulate
- Easy-to-use adhesive
- Ideal heat source

Choose the Best Reptile Heating Pad
Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Reptile Heating Pads
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Want to keep your reptiles happy and healthy? You need a heating pad for them! That’s right, you can’t just use any old regular heater. Reptiles need specific types of heat and they also require special considerations when it comes to size and wattage. When we talk about reptile heating pads, we’re talking about the best ones on the market today. In this blog post, you’ll find reviews of five different options with information on how they work and what they offer.
iPower Reptile Heat Pad Under Tank Terrarium

Reach the desired temperature within minutes and save energy! The strong adhesive 3M paper provides a strong stick to the contact area of the terrarium for optimum heat transfer. The iPower terrarium heating mat is also perfect for germination, home brewing, or Kampuchea Tea. Size: 4″x7″; 4Watts; Length of cord: 6fts,120V US voltage and Standard Plug and No adapter needed.
Focuspet Under Tank Heater

Zilla Reptile Terrarium Heat Mats

Zilla Reptile Terrarium Heat Mats

MQ 5-20W Reptile Terrarium Heat Pad

Buyer’s Guide
Advantages and Disadvantages of Heating Pads for Reptiles
Like any product, there are advantages and disadvantages of heating pads for reptiles. Let’s take a look at them:
- Heating pads can be a great way to provide supplemental heat to your reptile.
- They are affordable.
- Heating pads can be used to heat a variety of different reptiles, including snakes, lizards, and turtles.
- They do not radiate heat like light bulbs or hot rocks, so they are safe for your pet.
- Heating pads can be used to warm up a reptile’s environment or to provide supplemental heat.
- Keeps reptiles warm in the winter.
- Easy to clean, change and remove if necessary.
- Heating pads come in a variety of sizes, making them suitable for any reptile habitat.
- It is not easy to control the temperature. The best you can do is near a reptile thermostat or another product that turns on and off automatically when needed by your reptile.
- Heating pads may be dangerous for some reptiles, especially those from tropical countries (like my bearded dragon). If used together with a thermostat, they may cause your reptile to get too hot.
- They are not safe for all terrariums. They can be connected to the bottom or sides of some glass tanks but you need to check beforehand that they will fit and won’t ruin the tank (as happened once when I tried connecting one to the bottom of a terrarium).
- They are not safe for all reptiles. Some like to sit on them and they can get burned from them or even hurt their tummy if it is made with wire mesh. If you have an arboreal reptile, this might not be a good option either as they may fall from it and hurt themselves (like my bearded dragon did once while trying to get away from the heating pad).
- They can be a fire hazard if placed near flammable materials.
- Some reptiles may become too used to the heat and stop thermo-regulating.
Heating pads have both advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to weigh them both before deciding if this is the best option for you and your reptile.
Things to Look Out for in A Good Reptile Heating Pad
Heating pads are an essential part of an enclosure for any pet. You may be wondering what exactly you should look out for when buying one; well, there are a few things you need to consider.
First, look out for the watts of a heating pad; wattage is an indicator of how much heat it will produce. It is important because the temperature is key to keeping your pet warm and healthy.
Reptiles need a thermal gradient in their environment so they can choose the temperature that is most comfortable for them. This means that there should be different areas of the enclosure with different temperatures so your pet can move around as needed. You can provide this gradient by using a variety of heating methods, including heating pads, lamps, and ceramic heat emitters.
There are many heating pads out there, each with its own characteristics; you’ll just have to choose the one that suits you best. But it should be noted that all heating pads eventually stop working despite how high-quality they may be if not used properly or for a long period of time.
Heating pads come in different wattages, so it is important to choose the one that best suits your needs. The higher the wattage, the more heat is produced; however, you need to be careful not to choose one with too high of a wattage. The reason for this is that if it has too much power, it can start a fire and burn your pet. You have to make sure that whatever heating pad you choose will work well with the size of your enclosure and that it won’t cause any harm to your pet.
Wattage also affects the size of an enclosure you’ll need. The higher the wattage, then the bigger your enclosure will have to be to accommodate it; this is because a heating pad with high power can heat up more than just one area in your pet’s home and warm multiple areas at once. This makes for a better thermal gradient so your reptile can choose the temperature it is most comfortable with.
The second factor to consider when searching for the best heating pads is their size. This is because it will help you determine whether they will fit well in your tank or not and if there’s enough room for them to work properly. The most common sizes of heating pads sold by reptile pet stores are either 24 inches long, 36 inches long, or 52 inches long.
One more reason why you need to consider the size of your heating pad is that some can get quite large depending on how much space they are going to cover.
For example, if you have a baby snake that only needs one small basking area then having an overly sized heating pad could make it hard for him or her to access their preferred spot. On the other hand, if you have a large lizard that likes to roam around his or her tank then you will need a heating pad that is at least 24 inches by 36 inches.
If you have a small tank, then it’s best to get a heating pad that is 24 inches long so it can fit well in the tank without taking up too much space. If you have a large tank, then you might want to consider getting a heating pad that is either 36 or 52 inches long so it can cover more area in the tank.
However, most heating pads should be able to cover almost any size of terrarium or aquarium well enough for it to work fine and provide warmth to your reptiles. If they don’t fit in right, then it’s possible that they won’t be able to warm up the entire tank and could cause your reptiles to be cold.
Size also depends on the size of your reptiles. If you have a small reptile, then you will need a smaller heating pad. If you have a large reptile, then you will need a larger heating pad.
For example, if you have a small reptile, then it’s best to get 36 inches long heating pads in order for them to be able to cover most of the tank. For larger reptiles such as snakes and crocodilians, then you will need at least 52 inches long so that they can wrap around their body well enough and provide warmth on many parts of their body.
Size also depends on your budget too because the larger the heating pad, the more expensive it will be compared to a smaller one and vice versa.
Heating pads also come in different shapes so be sure to do your research before making a purchase. Some of the most common shapes are rectangular, square, and circular. Shapes also have their own pros and cons so you’ll need to consider what will work best for your reptiles.
The next consideration when choosing a heating pad for your reptile is the material. It is important because your reptile needs a surface that will be neither too hot nor too cold for them.
The material is also one of the main things to watch out for when buying heating pads in general because some materials are unsafe, especially when heated up.
There are many different kinds of materials that can be used to make heat pads for reptiles, but not all of them are good choices. Some manufacturers opt for cheaper and less durable plastics, which may only last a few months before breaking down and causing problems with your pet’s health.
The most commonly used materials for heating pads are vinyl, cloth, plastic, ceramic, and rubber. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to choose wisely.
- Vinyl is the cheapest option for manufacturers, but it tends to have a short lifespan before problems occur because of its material properties. It also melts when used with heating pads or under direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time, which can be dangerous if your reptile decides to chew on the cord or if you use vinyl pads to line the inside of your reptile’s enclosure.
- Cloth is a better option than vinyl, but can still be dangerous if it gets wet because it will not dry quickly. It is also more expensive than other materials. However, it is a good choice if you want to protect your pet from direct contact with the heating pad because cloth pads can absorb heat and then slowly release it, preventing burns.
- Keeping in mind that not all reptiles are allowed around electrical devices due to their risk of injury or death, plastic is another option for making reptile heating pads. It does not absorb water and is durable, but can still be a fire hazard if it’s not made well. Plastic is an affordable option, but it can be a bit dangerous because the surface may get too hot if you do not use enough insulation or if your pet has access to the cord.
- Ceramic is a good choice for heating pads because it is non-toxic, durable, and does not conduct electricity. It also lasts longer than other materials. However, it can be expensive and difficult to find. Ceramic is a good option for people who want to make their own heating pads or those who have a specific design in mind.
- Rubber is another common material for reptile heating pads and is safer than plastic. It does not melt when used with heat sources and will absorb movement from inside its enclosure, preventing the pad from moving around. It is also durable and can last a long time when used correctly, but it is one of the more expensive materials.
The material also matters when it comes to how the pad is powered. Some pads come with a built-in thermostat, which can be helpful in regulating the temperature of your pet’s enclosure. However, these tend to be more expensive than those without one. If you choose a heating pad without a thermostat, make sure to get one that has an on/off switch. This way, you can be sure that your reptile will not get too hot because of the unmonitored power source.
One more important feature of a reptile heating pad is its durability. The reason why this factor should be considered is that it has a great impact on how well your pet will tolerate using the product in general and how often you are going to use the same system.
If such heating pads aren’t made from high-quality materials or they have a low resistance to wear and tear, you may find yourself purchasing a new one very soon or even more frequently.
Let’s also not forget that this is the factor that allows us to determine how long our pet will be able to enjoy using it without any discomfort. If your reptile isn’t quite used to such products yet, then starting with something that won’t quickly wear out is always a good idea.
Durability depends on the materials that were used to make the heating pad in general. This is not the case with those ones made of polyester fabrics, especially if they are combined with other components like aluminum or steel wire which will provide even more resistance and durability.
Also, products made from ceramic material may be quite durable since this type of substance is known for how well it withstands high temperatures without breaking. It makes a great choice for keeping our pets warm but not too hot at all! Also, it’s worth mentioning that such products are very hard to break, even if you drop or hit them with something.
The durable product is one that will be still working perfectly even after a few years of regular use and this is exactly what you should look for if durability is the most important factor.
The heating pad made from polyester fabric with an aluminum wire wrapped around it may prove to be rather durable, but there are some others that can provide much better results in terms of how long they will last and how well your pet or reptile is going to tolerate using them.
Extra Features
Another consideration when purchasing a heating pad for your reptile is whether or not the pad has extra features. There are a lot of heating pads out there that will have the basic features you need, but some may offer a little more.
For example, it’s nice to be able to choose your temperature with an actual dial rather than having to do trial and error when plugging in the pad or needing to turn up/down another device like a thermostat.
Additionally, a few pads come with timers that will automatically turn the pad off after a certain amount of time. This is another great safety feature, especially if you’re using an extension cord to power the pad. It’s easy to forget about a heating pad and leave it on too long, so a timer can help prevent accidents.
The auto shut-off feature is also a great feature to have. If you set the temperature above your reptile’s needs, which could be dangerous and cause severe burns, then having an auto shut-off will prevent this from happening. You won’t have to worry about checking up on the heating pad every half hour.
There are also pads that have a moisture guard. This is great if you’re using the pad for a snake or other reptile that lives in a humid environment, as it will keep the humidity around your pet while they’re warming up. This may not be an essential feature to everyone, but it’s definitely something to consider if you want to get the most out of your heating pad.
Display with temperature control is a feature that some pads offer. This is a handy feature because you can adjust the temperature of your heating pad as needed without having to guess how much voltage or wattage should be required by your reptile’s tank size and desired heat level.
You can also find reptile thermometers built into some pads, which is another great safety feature. This way, you’ll be able to constantly monitor the temperature of your pet’s environment and make sure they’re staying within a safe range.
As you can see, these features are not necessary but they are nice extras that will make your life a little easier and safer when it comes to using reptile heating pads for your reptile’s enclosure.
So, before you purchase a heating pad for your reptile, take into account all of these extra features and decide which are the most important to you.
The next thing to consider is the thickness of your heating pad. It is important because it will help keep your reptile at a comfortable temperature. A thick heating pad will give off more heat and it takes longer for this heat to dissipate.
A thin heating pad, on the other hand, warms up quickly but also dissipates heat quickly. This can cause your reptile to become too cold if you do not monitor the temperature closely.
The correct thickness will vary depending on what type of reptile you have but a good rule of thumb is that if you can’t feel the surface temperature through at least two layers (thickness) of clothing, it is too low.
It will also depend on how large your heating pad is and the size of your reptile tank or cage. You do not want to use a snake heating pad (another type of heat mat that looks very similar but has an electrical cord attached), for example, if you have small reptiles such as bearded dragons or other lizards.
Thickness also affects how long it takes to warm up. A thick heating pad will take longer to heat than a thin one so if you are looking for something that can be warmed up quickly, this is an important factor to consider.
The thicker the pad, the more stable and safer they are as well since there isn’t much space between their coils where your hands and fingers can get caught.
They come in a range of thicknesses ranging from 0.25″ to several inches so you should be able to find one that is the right size for your reptile and its tank or cage. However, keep in mind that for larger reptiles such as iguanas or monitors, you will need something much thicker than 0.25″ since they have large bodies and long limbs.
A good rule of thumb is to use a heating pad at least one inch thick but if your reptile requires more heat or lives in an area with low temperatures, you may need to go up to two or even three inches thick.
It will also depend on how much power you need too since thicker heating pads are more powerful than thin ones, typically.
The last but not the least important factor is price. It should be considered because it will help you choose the best reptile heating pad. The most affordable pads are those that come with a thermostat. If you want a more expensive one, make sure it has an automatic shut-off system just in case your pet falls asleep on it.
Do not go for cheap heating pads since you are going to spend money on that in the future, at least twice as much! You will waste your time and effort buying a poor-quality product that does not have enough power output or cannot withstand high temperatures for longer periods of time. Professional reptile breeders recommend investing in a quality heating pad. It will definitely pay off in the long run.
Do not hesitate to compare prices and features between different manufacturers, this way you can find a perfect reptile heating pad that is worth your money!
If you are a beginner, I would recommend buying an average-priced heating pad with decent features rather than spending money on something too expensive for your needs and having no clue how it works or what’s in there that makes it worth so much more.
Anyway, consider your budget and needs when buying a heating pad for your reptiles.
Here are some useful recommendations for choosing the best heating pad for your reptile:
- Consider the size of your pet and the climate you live in when selecting a heating pad. If you have a large reptile, make sure to choose a heating pad that is big enough to cover its entire body. Likewise, if you live in a colder climate, be sure to pick a heating pad with good insulation.
- Shop for a reptile heating pad made of ceramic or glass, these are the best materials to use because they tend to be more efficient than other types such as plastic and rubber.
- When buying your heating pad make sure that it is waterproof (or at least water-resistant). Reptiles can easily accidentally knock over water bowls or other containers, so it’s important that your heating pad can withstand a little moisture.
- Check the wattage of the heating pad before you buy it. You’ll want to choose one with high wattage for larger reptiles and one with a low wattage for smaller ones.
- Some heating pads come with features that help regulate their temperature. This is a good thing if you have an ultra-sensitive reptile, but it’s not entirely necessary if you’re buying one for something like your pet bearded dragon or corn snake.
- Check the warranty before you buy. A good reptile heating pad will come with a warranty of at least one year. Moreover, it will be helpful if the company is willing to replace your heating pad even after the warranty period has expired.
- Finally, make sure to read the reviews of any heating pad before purchasing it. Customer feedback can be a great way to gauge how well a product works and whether or not it’s worth your money.
Are heating pads safe for reptiles?
Heating pads are safe for reptiles as long as you use a pad that is specifically designed for reptiles. Heating pads made for people can get too hot and cause burns to your pet.
Can you leave a reptile heating pad on all night?
You should never leave a heating pad on all night, as it could cause your pet to overheat. It is best to use a timer to turn the pad off after a set amount of time.
Should I get a heating pad for my snake?
If you want to provide your snake with a nice, warm place to sleep during the night then you should get him or her a heating pad. Snakes are cold-blooded and need heat in order to digest food efficiently, so it is important that they have somewhere warm to go at night.
Are heating pads hot enough for lizards?
Heating pads should be fine for lizards as long as they are not left on all day. It is also better to purchase a pad made specifically for use with reptiles, and never leave the heating pad plugged in when you are away at work or out of town.
Useful Video: HOW HOT DOES A HEAT MAT GET? | Unregulated Heat Mat Test
Final Thoughts
Reptiles are ectothermic animals, which means that they rely on their environment to regulate their body temperature. This is why it is so important to provide a heating pad for your reptile enclosure. Not all heating pads are created equal, however, so it is important to do your research before purchasing one.
Now you know what to look for when shopping around, so go out and find the best heating pad for your reptile!
I hope this article was helpful and that you are now ready to buy the perfect heating pad for your reptile. Thanks for reading!
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