
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Green Beans?

Bearded Dragons are one of the most loved reptilian pets out there. They are easy to care for, pleasant pets to have, and can be quite affectionate, making them an ideal pet for families and reptile enthusiasts. However, keeping a bearded dragon entails knowing what to feed them and what not to feed them. Today we will look at whether bearded dragons can eat green beans, and if so, how much they can eat.

Bearded Dragon: Is It a Popular Pet?

Every pet owner knows the joy and companionship that pets bring to their lives. As for a pet owner, it is crucial for you to choose the most suitable type of a pet. Nowadays there are a lot of types of different pets, and it may be overwhelming to pick the perfect one. Beardies are one such type of pet that has gained immense popularity in recent years. But, is it really a popular pet? For the beginning, we will introduce you to the bearded dragon and find out why it’s a perfect pet for you!

Bearded dragons, scientifically called Pogona, are reptiles native to Australia. Their unique appearance and friendly nature make them an ideal pet for households that love reptiles and animals in general. You can spot a bearded dragon through their unique features like their triangular-shaped head, spiny scales, and most notably, their “beard” of spikes that they puff out when threatened or during territorial displays.

Bearded Dragon: Is It a Popular Pet?

Bearded dragons are known to be docile creatures and they are easy to take care of, making them a popular pet choice for first-time pet owners. They are not as demanding as other pets when it comes to food, grooming or attention. These reptiles are omnivorous and feed on a mixture of insects, fruits, and vegetables. As long as you offer them regular feeds, clean water, and sufficient sunlight, you can be sure they will lead a happy and healthy life.

Another reason why these reptiles are a great pet choice is their relaxing nature. They love to soak up the sun and bask in the warmth as well as curl up in your lap for a nap. They are surprisingly intuitive and can sense their owner’s mood, offering great companionship to anyone who may need it.

Moreover, beardies generally have long lives, with an average lifespan of over 10 years.
They offer the perfect opportunity for a long-term commitment and companionship for any pet lover that appreciates loyal furry friends.

However, it’s essential to research and learn about their unique habitat requirements, diet, and health care to ensure they thrive throughout their long lifespan.The popularity of bearded dragons as pets has been growing in recent times, and it’s easy to see why. They’re easy to care for, friendly, and just overall adorable. Bearded dragons are social pets and can be a fantastic addition to any household. However, owning a bearded dragon requires responsible pet ownership. It’s essential to research and educate yourself about their unique needs before committing to keeping one as your pet.

In conclusion, these reptiles are a great pet choice for anyone looking to add a unique companion to their household. They are friendly, relaxing, and easy to take care of, and that’s why they are a popular choice for new and seasoned pet owners alike. Taking care of this reptile pet requires a little more work than some pets, but their loveable nature makes it all worth it.

Green Beans and Their Nutritional Value for a Bearded Dragon

One food item that is often overlooked in a diet of bearded dragons is green beans. But did you know that they are actually a perfect source of nutrition for your scaly friend? In this part of our blog post, we’ll discover some benefits of adding this interesting food to the diet of your reptile pet.

Rich in Vitamin C

Green beans are a perfect source of this vitamin and it is crucial for the health of your reptile pet. It helps support their immune system, promote skin and tissue health, and is also beneficial for bone health. These reptiles can’t produce their own vitamin C, so it’s important to ensure their diet includes adequate sources of this highly important vitamin. [1]

Great source of fiber

Green beans are rich in fiber and it can help to regulate your bearded dragon’s digestive system.

Great source of fiber

Fiber helps keep their digestive system healthy and can prevent constipation, which is common in reptiles. Regular bowel movements are important for a bearded dragon’s general health and well-being. [1]

Rich in Antioxidants

Green beans are rich in powerful antioxidants which help to protect the cells of your beardie from damage of free radicals. The antioxidants can prevent cellular damage that can lead to disease and other health problems. Feeding your reptile pet a diet which is rich in antioxidants may help promote their longevity and general health.

Provides hydration

Green beans are made up of mostly water,and it can help to keep your reptile pet hydrated. Adequate hydration is highly important for the health of your bearded dragon, as it can prevent issues such as urinary tract infections and kidney damage. Adding greens to your bearded dragon’s diet is a great way of supplementing their water intake and keeping them healthy.

Low in Oxalates

Unlike other greens that are high in oxalates, green beans are a low-oxalate vegetable. Oxalates are substances that can bind to calcium and prevent its absorption in your bearded dragon’s body. Excessive consumption of high oxalate foods can lead to metabolic bone disease, which can be a serious health concern for your reptile. Feeding low-oxalate foods such as green beans can help prevent this issue and ensure healthy bone growth in your bearded dragon.

In conclusion, adding green beans to your bearded dragon’s diet can have great nutritional benefits. The vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, and hydration provided by this food can help keep your reptile healthy and prevent health issues down the line. So next time you’re preparing your own meal, consider cooking up some extra green beans for your bearded dragon to enjoy as well. Your scaly friend will thank you for it!

What Green Beans are The Best for a Bearded Dragon: Frozen, Cooked or Canned?

Bearded dragons require a balanced diet that is rich in vegetables, fruits, and protein. While there’s a range of foods that you can feed your beardie, not all are equally beneficial for their health. One of the veggies that your bearded dragon can safely eat is green beans.

What Green Beans are The Best for a Bearded Dragon: Frozen, Cooked or Canned?

With a high nutritional value, green beans are packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals that keep your pet strong and healthy. Here we’ll take a closer look at the different types of green beans that you can offer your bearded dragon and how to serve them.

Frozen Green Beans

Frozen green beans are a great option for busy bearded dragon owners who don’t have time to prepare fresh veggies regularly. They retain most of the nutrients, and you can thaw them out quickly. However, not all frozen green beans are created equal. Opt for organic or unseasoned products that don’t contain salt, additives, or preservatives. If you want to offer your bearded dragon frozen green beans, make sure they’re chopped into small bite-size pieces. Otherwise, your pet may have trouble digesting them properly, which can lead to digestive problems. [2]

Cooked Green Beans

You can also cook fresh green beans for your bearded dragon. Boiling or steaming is the best method of preparation, as it softens the beans and neutralizes harmful enzymes. Be aware that overcooking can destroy some of the nutrients, so aim for a tender texture that is still crisp. Before feeding your bearded dragon cooked green beans, chop them into small pieces or mash them with a fork. Don’t add any spices, oils, or seasonings as they can irritate your pet’s digestive tract. It’s best to serve cooked green beans as a treat once in a while, rather than daily.

Canned Green Beans

Canned green beans are cheap and convenient, but they are also less nutritious than fresh or frozen beans. The canning process removes some of the vitamins and minerals and adds salt and other additives. If you want to feed your bearded dragon canned green beans, choose ones that are low in salt and rinsed thoroughly to remove any residue. Chop them into small pieces and mix them with other veggies or fruits to add variety to your pet’s diet. However, keep in mind that canned green beans should be offered sparingly due to their lower nutritional value.

Green beans are a safe and healthy addition to a bearded dragon’s diet. Whether you choose frozen, cooked, or canned green beans, make sure they’re fresh, unseasoned, and chopped into small pieces. To provide a balance of nutrients, pair green beans with other veggies, fruits, and protein sources. Always monitor your bearded dragon’s food intake and adjust their diet as needed to maintain their health and happiness. By choosing green beans as a part of your beardie’s diet, you’re helping them thrive and live a long, happy life.

Health Risks of Feeding a Bearded Dragon Green Beans

Bearded dragons are fast becoming one of the most popular pets amongst reptile enthusiasts, and it is no wonder why with their charming personalities and low maintenance requirements. However, as with any pet, taking care of their dietary requirements is highly essential. It is important to note that certain foods can pose potential health risks, such as green beans. Did you know that feeding a bearded dragon green beans may not be the healthiest choice? In this part, we will highlight some facts about keeping a bearded dragon as a pet and how feeding them green beans may not be ideal for their health.

Bearded dragons are omnivorous and may consume a variety of plant material such as leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits, as well as animal material such as insects, worms, and even small mammals.
While feeding them green beans can supply them with some essential nutrients, it can also pose potential health risks. Green beans naturally contain high levels of oxalic acid and phytic acid, which can bind to the calcium in the bearded dragon’s diet and reduce its absorption. Consistent exposure to these acids, when coupled with a low-calcium diet, can lead to metabolic bone diseases in bearded dragons.

Health Risks of Feeding a Bearded Dragon Green Beans

In addition to the high levels of oxalic and phytic acids, green beans also contain moderate levels of goitrogens. These compounds can interfere with the normal functioning of the thyroid gland by inhibiting the absorption of iodine, which is required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. The long-term feeding of green beans to bearded dragons may lead to the development of goiter, which is a condition characterized by the enlargement of the thyroid gland.

If you would like to feed your bearded dragon some vegetables, there are healthier options to feed them. Some of the best vegetable choices include butternut squash, mustard greens, carrots, chicory greens, kale, bell peppers, and dandelion greens. These vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are essential for your bearded dragon’s health.

When feeding bearded dragons, it is imperative to understand the difference between safe and potentially harmful vegetables. While green beans, tomatoes, and cucumber may look appetizing, they may not be ideal for their health. Educating yourself on the nutritional requirements and potential health risks, will allow you to make informed decisions regarding the feeding and care of your bearded dragon.

In conclusion, feeding bearded dragons green beans may not be the best option for their health. As pet owners, it is our responsibility to be well informed in the dietary requirements of our pets, paying close attention to the nutritional value and potential health risks of the foods we feed them. We hope that this article has provided you with the necessary insights to take better care of your bearded dragon, to help them live the best life possible.

How to Prepare Green Beans for a Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons are a great addition to any home and make wonderful pets. One of the most critical aspects of caring for a bearded dragon is providing them with a diet that is nutritious and well-balanced. Green beans are an excellent choice for incorporating into your bearded dragon’s diet as they are low in fat, high in fiber, and contain essential nutrients. However, preparing green beans for your bearded dragon might not be as simple as you think. Now we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to prepare green beans for your bearded dragon.

Step 1. Choosing the Right Green Beans: Bearded dragons are known to prefer fresh and organic vegetables. When selecting green beans, it is essential to choose ones that are fresh, have a vibrant color, and are not wilted or slimy. You can find fresh green beans in the produce section of your local grocery store. Always check the expiration dates on the package to ensure that they are still fresh.

Step 2. Cleaning and Cutting Green Beans: Once you have selected your green beans, it’s time to prepare them for your bearded dragon. First, you need to clean them thoroughly. Rinse the green beans with cold water, and use a vegetable brush to scrub away any dirt or debris. After cleaning, cut the ends of the green beans. Remove both the top and bottom of the green beans to ensure that there are no tough parts left.

How to Prepare Green Beans for a Bearded Dragon

Step 3. Cooking Green Beans: Cooking green beans will make them easier for your bearded dragon to digest. The best way to cook green beans for your bearded dragon is by boiling or steaming them. To boil the green beans, fill a medium-sized saucepan with water and bring it to a boil. Add the green beans and let them cook for three to five minutes. Remove the green beans from the water and place them in a bowl of cold water to stop them from cooking any further. To steam green beans, place them in a steamer basket over boiling water and cook for three to five minutes.

Step 4. Serving Green Beans: Once you have cooked the green beans, it’s time to serve them to your bearded dragon. Cut the green beans into small pieces to make them easier to eat. Your bearded dragon might not eat the green beans at first, so don’t feel discouraged if they reject them. It takes time for bearded dragons to adjust to new foods. Keep offering them green beans until they accept them as part of their diet.

Step 5. Monitoring Your Bearded Dragon’s Diet: Green beans are an excellent source of nutrients, but they should not be the only food that your bearded dragon eats. It’s important to include a variety of vegetables and fruits in your bearded dragon’s diet. Monitor their diet and ensure that they are getting the appropriate amount of food each day. Always provide fresh water for your bearded dragon to drink.

So, preparing green beans for your bearded dragon is easy and can be done in a few simple steps.

Be sure to choose fresh green beans, clean and cut them carefully, cook them correctly, and serve them in small pieces.
Remember to monitor your bearded dragon’s diet and provide them with a variety of other fruits and vegetables. With a well-balanced and nutritious diet, your bearded dragon will thrive and live a happy and healthy life.


Can bearded dragons eat peas and green beans?

Peas and green beans are high in phosphorus content and low in calcium, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies in bearded dragons if fed too often. Feeding them these vegetables occasionally, as treats is not dangerous, but they should not form a significant part of their diet.

What vegetables are safe for a bearded dragon?

Generally, you want to feed your dragon veggies that are high in calcium, fiber, and vitamins A and K.

What vegetables are safe for a bearded dragon?

Some safe options include kale, collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, bok choy, butternut squash, and sweet potatoes.

Can reptiles eat green beans?

Yes, some reptiles can eat green beans, but they should be fed in moderation. Green beans are low in fat and high in fiber, and they can be fed to herbivorous reptiles like iguanas and tortoises. However, if you plan on feeding green beans to your reptile regularly, you should supplement their diet with other vegetables and nutritional additives.

Useful Video: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Green Beans? What you must know!


In conclusion, green beans are a safe vegetable to include in your bearded dragon’s diet, but they shouldn’t form the bulk of their meal. Ensure that you offer them a well-rounded and balanced diet consisting of various vegetables, insects, fruits, and commercially-prepared pellets to ensure they get all the nutrients they require. Preparing them correctly and giving them the right quantity is also essential in keeping your bearded dragon healthy and thriving. Please consult your veterinarian if you are uncertain about your pet’s dietary requirements or if you notice any health issues. With a well-balanced diet, your bearded dragon can live a happy and healthy life.


  1. https://dragonsdiet.com/blogs/dragon-care/can-bearded-dragons-eat-green-beans#:~:text=As%20far%20as%20nutrients%20go,promotes%20healthy%20tissues%20and%20cells.
  2. https://whatanimalseat.com/bearded-dragon/green-beans/