
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Lettuce?

If you own a bearded dragon, you are likely always looking for new veggies and fruits to feed them. You may have come across a lot of information on bearded dragon care online, but there are still some questions left unanswered. One of the most frequently asked questions about the bearded dragon diet is whether or not they can eat lettuce. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at whether or not bearded dragons can eat lettuce.

Bearded Dragons and Their Diet

Bearded dragons are delightful pets that are easy to care for. They’re fascinating reptiles with gentle personalities and quirky behavior, which is why they have become increasingly popular as pets. However, as tame as they seem, they are still reptiles and have specific dietary requirements.

Bearded Dragons and Their Diet

They cannot be fed the same way as your dog or cat. In this part of our blog post, we’ll cover some of the facets that come with a diet of a bearded dragon. We’ll discuss their dietary needs, food options, feeding schedule, and water consumption.

Dietary Needs

These reptiles are known to be omnivores,and this fact means that they eat both meat and plants. It is necessary to get the right balance to ensure their growth and long-term health. Here is a breakdown of the percentage of proteins, vegetables, and fruits they require: 

  • Protein: The protein content in their diet should be around 30%-40% and can be fed in the form of crickets, mealworms, wax worms, or roaches.
  • Vegetables: Around 10% to 20% of their diet should include good greens such as collard greens, broccoli, mustard greens, kale, arugula, and endive. [1]
  • Fruits: Should make up about 10% of their diet. Fruits like blueberries, bananas, mangoes, kiwi, pumpkin, and peaches are safe to serve.

Food Options

There are different types of live food and plant-based diets you can offer. You can choose to feed them a dry pellet, fresh greens, or occasionally offer insects. It’s crucial to watch the portion size as an overfed Bearded Dragon can lead to obesity. Overconsumption can cause liver problems, malnutrition, and muscle weakness, which can lead to a shortened lifespan for your pet.

Feeding Schedule

These reptiles are active during the day and will usually begin to eat when the sun rises. This means it’s best to feed them in the morning. You can offer your pet food throughout the day, but ensure to remove uneaten food after an hour or two to keep their enclosure neat and tidy. Consistent feeding times help maintain their development, hunger patterns, and behavior.

Water Consumption

Bearded dragons drink very little water but require hydration as well. They hydrate themselves through the vegetables, fruits, and insects they consume, and maintaining water at the bath station will be enough to keep them hydrated. You can use a shallow dish or a reptile water dish that is cleaned regularly.

Water Consumption

Feeding your Bearded Dragon is an essential aspect of their care, and the right balance of meat, fruits, and vegetables is a requirement.

Bearded Dragons can eat a variety of food, but it’s important to remember that they need a balanced diet.
As a responsible pet owner, it’s your duty to understand your pet’s dietary needs and ensure it’s met regularly. By following the correct feeding schedule, you’ll avoid complications, ensure your Bearded Dragon grows at a healthy rate, and substantially help with their well-being.

Lettuce for Bearded Dragons: to Feed or Not to Feed

Bearded Dragons are quite popular as pets, and for good reasons too. They are fascinating creatures that are known to be docile and easily tamed. However, as an owner, it’s essential to be aware of the foods that your bearded dragon can and cannot eat. This brings us to the topic of this part – whether or not it is safe to feed lettuce to bearded dragons.

Lettuce is a popular vegetable that is often recommended to humans as a healthy addition to their diet. However, the same cannot be said for bearded dragons. The reason being that lettuce lacks the nutritional requirement that captive bearded dragons need. Although it comprises water, fiber, and vitamins, lettuce has a high content of oxalic acid. This acid combines with calcium in the lizard’s body and disrupts calcium metabolism, leading to an early onset of diseases like metabolic bone disease.

While most varieties of lettuce are unsuitable for bearded dragons, some exceptions can still apply. Providing small amounts of romaine lettuce, which has lower oxalic acid content than the majority of other lettuce types, leave room for an alternative way to provide some hydration to the diet. However, even in this case, it’s still important to limit its consumption due to its negative nutritional properties.

When feeding your bearded dragon, you must ensure that they receive proper nutrition, which requires providing them with adequate amounts of calcium and vitamins. Substituting lettuce as a source of hydration with safer options such as cucumber, squash, and watermelon. Further, provide vegetables such as collard greens, mustard greens, and kale, which have more magnesium to ensure the dragon absorbs the calcium.

It’s imperative to remember that while bearded dragons can eat lettuce, too much of it is risky. Still, it’s not the best option to choose as a staple for their diet. Ensure that you keep a balance in their diet, as drastic changes can lead to intestinal bacteria issues and digestive distress. It’s important to feed them a meal that makes up 85% of live food than vegetation, but giving vegetables is a necessary way to supplement their diet.

In conclusion, feeding lettuce to bearded dragons should be done with extra caution. Lettuce consists of high-oxalic acid, and too much of it may harm your bearded dragon’s health by causing calcium metabolism disorders. Therefore, while lettuce is not toxic for bearded dragons, it’s not recommended to feed them too much of it. Instead, offer them well-balanced meals and consider alternative hydrating vegetables. Remember, bearded dragons require a varied diet to maintain health and vitality.

Negative Effects of Feeding Lettuce to Your Beardie

As a responsible owner of such an interesting reptile pet as a bearded dragon, you want to provide your pet the best food that is available. However, some foods that we consider as healthy for humans are not good for our furry friends.

Negative Effects of Feeding Lettuce to Your Beardie

One such example is lettuce. Lettuce may seem like a perfect choice for your bearded dragon’s diet, but did you know that it can have harmful effects on your friend’s health? Now we invite you to explore the negative effects of feeding lettuce to your beardie and offer some alternatives for more nutritious feeding options.

Nutritional Value

Lettuce may be a healthy choice for a human diet, but the nutritional value of lettuce is not as high for a bearded dragon. Lettuce is mainly composed of water and lacks essential nutrients that bearded dragons need to stay healthy. By feeding your beardie lettuce as the primary meal, you’re depriving your pet of proper nutrition. A lack of necessary nutrients can lead to health complications such as a weak immune system, growth problems, and decreased lifespan.


Lettuce can be dangerous for your bearded dragon’s digestive system. Feeding lettuce as a primary meal can result in diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and other health complications. In addition to diarrhea, the consumption of lettuce can cause bloating, gas and indigestion. [2]

Calcium and Phosphorus Imbalance

An imbalanced phos-calcium ratio in beardie’s daily diet can result in severe health complications.

Lettuce is high in phosphorus but low in calcium, and feeding it to your bearded dragon can lead to an imbalanced phos-calcium level, which can result in metabolic bone disease.
Metabolic bone disease can cause permanent bone damage, which can ultimately lead to a lower quality of life for your pet.

Oxalates Accumulation

Lettuce contains high levels of oxalates, which can cause complications in your bearded dragon’s digestive tract. Oxalates may lead to the formation of kidney and bladder stones, which can be a severe health complication. The accumulation of oxalates can lead to dehydration and malnutrition.

Feeding Tips

If you have been feeding lettuce to your bearded dragon, now is the time to make a change. A balanced diet that includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, and insects is necessary for your bearded dragon’s overall health. Greens like mustard greens, collard greens, and turnip greens are high in nutritional value and should be considered as primary vegetables in your beardies diet.

Feeding Tips

As a responsible owner, it is our duty to ensure that our pets are well taken care of. Feeding lettuce to your bearded dragon may seem like a good decision, but the harmful impacts on your furry friend’s health are not worth it. It’s essential to plan your beardies diet to include a variety of food items containing high nutritional value. Instead of feeding lettuce as the primary meal, consider incorporating other greens in their diet. A balanced nutritious diet will keep your beardie healthy, happy, and active!

How to Prepare Lettuce for a Bearded Dragon

Owning a bearded dragon requires a lot of effort, as it is a long term commitment. One of the essential things you have to take into consideration is their nutrition. Providing a balanced diet is the key to maintaining a healthy and happy beardie. Lettuce is one of the staple vegetables that bearded dragons love. However, many owners are not aware of the right way to prepare it. In this part, we’ll show you how to prepare lettuce for your bearded dragon and ensure their optimal health.

Step 1. Choose the Right Lettuce

The first step in preparing lettuce for your bearded dragon is to choose the right kind. Some varieties of lettuce, such as iceberg lettuce, are high in water and low in nutrients. Instead, choose nutrient-rich alternatives like cos lettuce, endive, or romaine lettuce. These are some of the best greens for beardies, with high calcium and vitamin A content.

Step 2. Thoroughly Wash the Lettuce

Before feeding lettuce to your bearded dragon, ensure to wash it thoroughly under cold water. Doing so removes any dirt, chemicals, or pesticides that may harm your pet. You could also soak it in vinegar water for about 10 minutes and rinse well to disinfect before feeding.

Step 3. Chop the Lettuce

Bearded dragons are not aggressive chewers and require their greens to be chopped into small pieces. Use a sharp knife or a pair of kitchen scissors to cut the lettuce into tiny bite-size pieces that are easy for your bearded dragon to consume. Avoid feeding the beardie whole lettuce leaves to prevent choking or indigestion.

Step 4. Mix with Other Vegetables

While lettuce is a great vegetable for your bearded dragon, it should not be the only food it eats. To ensure that they get balanced nutrition, mix with other vegetables like squash, sweet potatoes, or carrots. The veggies should be cut into small pieces to ease ingestion.

Step 5. Serve as a Treat

Although lettuce is nutritious, it does not have all the required nutrients for your bearded dragon. Thus, it should not be the primary vegetable in its diet. Instead, it should be served as an occasional treat. Straight lettuce can also cause diarrhea. Thus, you should serve your pet a variety of vegetables throughout the week for a balanced diet.

Step 5. Serve as a Treat

In conclusion, choosing the right lettuce, thoroughly washing it, chopping it, mixing it with other vegetables, and serving it as a treat are essential steps in preparing lettuce for your bearded dragon. Proper food preparation is a necessary aspect of beardie care that helps maintain their health. Remember, giving your bearded dragon a balanced diet, with a variety of vegetables, is the key to ensuring they live long and happy lives.

Better Alternatives to Lettuce

Bearded dragons are relatively easy to maintain as pets, and feeding them is generally a straightforward process. One of the most common mistakes that pet owners often make is feeding their bearded dragons with lettuce. While lettuce is a great source of water for humans, it does not provide enough nutrition for bearded dragons. In fact, too much lettuce can lead to digestive problems, dehydration, and other health complications. This part of our blog post is highly important for you to read, as we will explore some of the better alternatives to lettuce for bearded dragons.

Dark, leafy greens

A great alternative to lettuce is dark, leafy greens such as collard greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, and turnip greens. These greens are rich in calcium, vitamins, and minerals, and offer a delicious taste to your pet. But, ensure that you rinse the greens thoroughly before feeding them to your bearded dragon, as they may contain pesticides and other chemicals.


Squash is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, and it can be a great alternative to lettuce for your bearded dragon. Cooked squash is especially good as it is easily digestible and provides a variety of nutrients. You can serve them raw, but it is best to chop them into small pieces and dice them into small cubes.


Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which is an important nutrient for bearded dragons. However, it should not be their primary source of food. You can either feed them raw or cooked but make sure they are not overfed as too much intake of carrots can cause digestive issues.


Cabbage is another good alternative to lettuce for your bearded dragon. It has high water content that helps with hydration, and it’s rich in vitamins and minerals that your pet needs. However, you should serve cabbage in small amounts as too much of it can lead to digestive problems.


Zucchini is an excellent source of water, vitamins, and minerals that your pet needs for good health. It has a mild taste, which makes it easier for your pet to digest. You can chop it into small pieces and serve it raw or cook and puree it.


In conclusion, feeding your bearded dragon with lettuce should be avoided as it does not provide adequate nutrition for them. Instead, you can opt for other greens such as collard, turnip, and dandelion greens, which are rich in nutrients and minerals, squash, carrots, cabbage, or zucchini. Adding a variety of fruits and vegetables to their diet is essential to promote their health and well-being. Also, remember to remove all uneaten food regularly to ensure the cage environment is always clean. Finally, ensure that you talk to your vet if you are unsure about what to feed your bearded dragon to develop a safe and healthy feeding plan that will keep your pet happy and healthy


Can bearded dragons eat celery?

Yes, they can! Celery is a great source of fiber and water, which are both essential for good digestion. It’s important to note that celery should be chopped up into small pieces to prevent choking. You should also feed it to your bearded dragon in moderation, as excessive amounts can lead to diarrhea.

Can bearded dragons eat lamb’s lettuce?

Yes, they can! Lamb’s lettuce, also known as corn salad, is safe for bearded dragons to eat.

It’s a nutrient-rich green that is high in vitamin C, calcium, and iron.
Lamb’s lettuce is also low in oxalates, which can be harmful to bearded dragons if consumed in large quantities.

Can bearded dragons eat romaine lettuce?

Yes, they can! Romaine lettuce is a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber and other essential nutrients. However, it’s important to limit the amount of romaine lettuce you feed your bearded dragon. Too much of it can cause calcium deficiencies and other health problems.

What greens can bearded dragons eat everyday?

Bearded dragons can eat a variety of different greens every day. Some of the best options include collard greens, kale, mustard greens, and dandelion greens. These greens are all high in calcium and other essential nutrients. You can also offer them occasional treats like carrots, green beans, and peppers.



Although your bearded dragon can eat lettuce, it’s not the best option for their health. It lacks important nutrients and can cause digestive and health problems in the long run. Instead, offer your pet a range of greens rich in vitamins and minerals like calcium to keep them happy, healthy, and thriving. Ensure that you keep a variety of vegetables in their diet, and avoid excess amounts of any one type of food. As a responsible pet owner, you must educate yourself on what food your pet needs to stay healthy. By adopting a well-rounded diet, you can ensure that your bearded dragon stays strong, disease-free, and happy for years to come!


  1. https://www.rspca.org.uk/adviceandwelfare/pets/other/beardeddragon#:~:text=Bearded%20dragons%20eat%20a%20diet,our%20bearded%20dragon%20care%20sheet.
  2. https://dragonsdiet.com/blogs/dragon-care/can-bearded-dragons-eat-lettuce#:~:text=Iceberg%20lettuce%20is%2096%25%20water,diarrhea%20can%20actually%20cause%20dehydration.