
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Oranges?

Bearded dragons are fascinating reptiles that make great pets – they are hardy, docile, and beautiful creatures. One of the joys of owning a bearded dragon is feeding it, and it can be fun experimenting with different foods with your pets to see what they like and what they don’t. However, when it comes to feeding your pet bearded dragon, you also need to be mindful of what they can and cannot eat. One of the questions that many bearded dragon owners ask is whether or not their pets can eat oranges. Oranges are a delicious and nutritious fruit that humans love, but can bearded dragons indulge in them as well? This blog post answers that question and provides some insightful information about the bearded dragon’s diet in general.

All You Need to Know about Bearded Dragons as Pets

If you’ve been considering getting a new pet for your home, have you ever thought of getting a bearded dragon? These reptiles have grown in popularity as pets because of their unique appearance, easy adaptation to different environments, and low maintenance.

Whether you’re looking for a new companion or just something fascinating to look at, a bearded dragon could be the perfect pet for you.

Characteristics and appearance

These reptiles are well-known for their spiky, triangular-shaped heads and the beard-like flap of skin under their chins.

Characteristics and appearance

These lizards come in various colors, from sandy brown to bright orange and even red. These reptiles are relatively small in size, with grown adults averaging around two feet in length, making them easy to handle.

Diet and habitat requirements

Bearded dragons are omnivores who eat a diet of fruits,vegetables, and live insects such as mealworms, crickets, and cockroaches. They should be fed a diet of fresh greens and vegetables, along with a balanced portion of protein like crickets. These reptiles require access to high levels of ultraviolet light, which is a critical component of their habitat. A UVB light bulb is essential, as it plays a huge role in calcium absorption, which is vital to their overall health.

Temperament and Handling

Bearded dragons are friendly and curious pets that love to explore and play in various social settings. They easily bond with their owner and have no problem being held and petted. When handling these lizards, it’s essential to support and be cautious of their tails, which can easily break. [1]

Common Health Problems

These reptiles are relatively healthy creatures, but they can develop health problems just like any other pet. Two common conditions you should watch out for include metabolic bone disease, which happens when the dragon’s diet lacks proper calcium, and impaction, which occurs when the bearded dragon eats something unusual and cannot pass it through their digestive tract. You should always monitor your pet’s behavior and contact a veterinarian in case you see any of the signs of an illness.

These reptiles are very interesting creatures, and if they become pets, they can be described as versatile and entertaining animals. With their unique characteristics and easy-going nature, they’re perfect for pet owners of all ages. It’s essential to provide them with a comfortable living environment, a healthy diet, and proper healthcare to ensure they live a long, happy, and healthy life. Hopefully, this guide has helped you understand some of the basics of caring for bearded dragons, and you feel confident enough to bring one home to be your new companion.

TOP Best Products for a Beardie

If you are a proud owner of a bearded dragon, you know that providing them a nutritious and balanced diet is essential to keep them healthy and happy. A good-quality commercial diet is a great starting point, but it’s always best to supplement their meals with fresh vegetables, insects, and also fruits. But not all foods are appropriate for your beardie.

TOP Best Products for a Beardie

Choosing the right foods can be overwhelming, so we have compiled a list of the top best foods for a bearded dragon that will keep them nourished and satisfied!


These reptiles need a variety of fresh leafy greens to maintain healthy digestion and growth. Remember to avoid iceberg lettuce, which has no nutritional value and can cause digestive issues.


Vegetables are also an excellent source of nutrients for your beardie. Broccoli, carrots, green beans, squash, and bell peppers are all good options. They provide essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, C, and K, and fiber. Avoid feeding your dragon onions, mushrooms, and avocados, which are harmful to their health.


Fruits are a great treat for your reptile pets but it is important to give them in small amounts, as they are rich in sugar content. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, mangoes, and watermelon are all safe options. They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins and help maintain a healthy immune system. Avoid feeding your dragon citrus fruits and grapes, which can cause digestive problems.


Insects should make up a significant portion of a bearded dragon’s diet. Crickets, mealworms, waxworms, and superworms are great options. They are high in protein and easy to digest. You can also offer your dragon grasshoppers, roaches, and silkworms. Remember to gut-load the insects with fruits and vegetables to make them even more nutritious.


While a good diet should provide all the necessary nutrients, supplements can help ensure your beardie is getting everything they need.

Calcium and vitamin D3 supplements are essential for bone health and growth.
Be sure to dust the insects and vegetables with the supplement powder before feeding them to your dragon.

In conclusion, a diet of your bearded dragon should consist of a variety of fresh vegetables, leafy greens, fruits, and insects. Feeding a balanced diet ensures that your dragon receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals to remain healthy and happy. Always avoid foods that are high in phosphorus or harmful to their health. With this guide, you can provide your beardie with the best foods to keep them nourished and content!

Dangerous food for a Beardie

Bearded dragons are one of the most exciting and lovable reptiles, and they make great pets. These creatures are friendly, easy to handle, and are a great addition to any household. They are omnivorous and love eating veggies, insects, and fruits as they need a balanced diet.

Dangerous food for a Beardie

However, some foods can be toxic and dangerous for your beardie. As a responsible pet owner, it’s essential to understand what they can and cannot eat. Now we’ll uncover the dangerous food for a beardie and how to keep them healthy and happy.

  • Avocado: This is one of the dangerous foods for a beardie because it contains a high level of persin toxicity that affects the heart, lungs, and other vital organs. It could cause severe breathing issues, liver failure, and eventually lead to the death of your beardie. Avocado must be avoided at all costs.
  • Rhubarb: This vegetable is rich in calcium and other nutrients, but it can be poisonous to beardies. The leaves and stems of rhubarb contain oxalates which can bind with calcium and prevent its absorption in the body. This could lead to kidney stones, bladder stones, and abdominal pain for your pet.
  • Fireflies: Beardies love chasing after bugs and insects, but fireflies are dangerous to them. They contain a toxic substance called lucibufagins that can be lethal. If a beardie ingests it, they become dizzy, disorientated, and can last for a few days or weeks before they ultimately die.
  • Lily and Daffodil: These flowers are dangerous to beardies as they contain certain enzymes that are toxic to them. Eating or just chewing on it could cause vomiting, kidney failure, liver failure, and even death. Keep them far away from your pet beardies.
  • Spinach and Kale: They are super healthy for humans, but for beardies, they could be dangerous. Spinach and Kale contain a high level of calcium oxalate that binds with calcium and restricts its absorption in the beardie’s body. This could cause kidney and bladder stones leading to serious health problems.

Beardies are amazing creatures that require proper care and attention. As a responsible pet owner, it is important to understand what they can and cannot eat and what affects their health. These dangerous foods mentioned can negatively impact your pet’s health, and it is crucial to avoid them. To keep your beardie happy and healthy, always provide them with fresh veggies, fruits, and insects specifically meant for them. Consult a vet for any concerns and show your pet love and affection to help them thrive. With the right diet and care, you will enjoy many happy years with your beloved beardie.

Can Beardies Eat Oranges At All?

Beardies are widespread pets for many reptile enthusiasts, and it’s no surprise why. They’re charming, low-maintenance, and just downright fascinating creatures to care for. Yet, apart from their usual diet of insects and greens, some owners find themselves wondering if they can share some fruits with their bearded buddies, especially oranges. In this part of our article, we dive deeper into whether or not oranges are a good treat for such a reptile pet as a bearded dragon, and how to safely include them into their diet.

First things first – can beardies have oranges? The answer is yes, they can. As beardies are omnivores, they can consume a range of fruits in moderation, and oranges are no exception. These citrus fruits are packed with essential nutrients and minerals that can supplement your pet’s regular diet. But it is crucial to remember that oranges have to be only a treat and not a staple food in the diet of a bearded dragon. Too much citric acid, sugar, and water from oranges may lead to digestive issues and other health problems if consumed in excess amounts.  [2]

So, what amount of orange is it better to feed your bearded dragon? As a general rule, oranges should make up no more than 10% of your pet’s overall food intake. This equates to about one small slice of orange every one or two weeks. To prepare the fruit, always make sure it’s peeled and cut into small bite-sized pieces that are manageable for your beardie to eat. Remember that bearded dragons prefer their food warm, so you may want to warm up the orange slice before offering it as a treat.

Can Beardies Eat Oranges At All?

It’s also essential to note that there are some varied opinions on the use of oranges for a beardie. Some veterinarians recommend against feeding an orange, as it may cause an imbalance in the calcium-phosphorus ratio in your pet’s diet and can cause metabolic bone disease over time. However, others say that canines can consume citrus fruits if served correctly, and may even enjoy them.

Orange Peels in a Bearded Dragon’s Diet: Are They Safe?

Bearded dragons are fascinating creatures and great pets. They’re omnivorous, which means they can eat a variety of foods. People often wonder what foods are safe for them and what foods to avoid. One such question that many people ask is whether it is okay to feed orange peels to bearded dragons. While some foods are toxic for these reptiles, orange peels are not. However, there are some important things to keep in mind before feeding your bearded dragon any citrus fruit.

Nutritional value of orange peels

Orange peels contain high levels of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, calcium, and potassium. These nutrients help in bone development and maintenance, healthy skin, and immune system function. Bearded dragons require a healthy mix of nutrients, and orange peels help to provide this.

Citrus Fruits and Acidic Content

The acid content of citrus fruits can be harmful to some reptile species. However, bearded dragons can handle moderate levels of acidity. It’s important to remember that citrus fruits should be treated as a dietary supplement rather than a primary food source. Overfeeding them with these fruits can lead to long-term digestive issues and a bearded dragon may refuse to eat other types of food.

Cleaning and Preparing Orange Peels

The fruit must be fresh and free from pesticides or chemicals. It must be washed thoroughly before giving it to the reptile to eat. Orange peels should be cut into small pieces that are easy for the bearded dragon to chew and digest. Remember to remove the white flesh before feeding as it could be too tough and can trouble the bearded dragon.

Frequency of Feeding

Feeding bearded dragons is all about striking a balance. Overfeeding or underfeeding of citrus fruit to them can cause issues like obesity, which leads to other health complications. Giving a small piece of orange once or twice a month is more than enough for your bearded dragon. It’s best to alternate fruits and vegetables so they can get a mix of nutrients.

Signs of Allergic Reaction

Some bearded dragons may have an allergic reaction to citrus fruits. This can be noticed through physical symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, or lethargy. It is essential to monitor them for any signs of distress and consult a veterinarian if any signs of discomfort persist.

Signs of Allergic Reaction

In conclusion, orange peels are safe for bearded dragons if given in moderation. They are an excellent source of nutrition and can be given as a supplement to their primary food source. When giving them any fruit, ensure freshness and quality, their size, and how often you’re feeding. It’s necessary to remember that citrus fruits cannot be your pet’s primary diet source. Lastly, if you notice any symptoms of discomfort or unease in your bearded dragon, consult your veterinarian immediately.

Health Risks for Beardies from Eating Oranges

Bearded dragons make amazing pets and are known for their calm nature, beautiful colors, and docile temperament. And who can resist those adorable little faces with their scaly exterior and spiky beards? As reptile enthusiasts, it’s our responsibility to ensure our pet’s health and safety. Many owners offer a variety of delicious treats, including fruits such as oranges. However, before you feed your bearded dragon citrus snacks, there are some things you should know.

Although not toxic, oranges are acidic fruits and contain high amounts of fiber, which can upset your pet’s digestive system. Bearded dragons are predominantly herbivores and require a steady diet of greens, vegetables, and a small amount of fruit. Overabundant citrus fruit or any fruit, for that matter, can cause diarrhea and adversely affect the balance of healthy gut bacteria in their bodies. Long-term consumption of oranges, particularly the pith and seeds, can lead to more severe health issues.

Oranges’ high acidic content can result in an imbalance of your pet’s calcium to phosphorus ratio. Unlike humans, who require high levels of vitamin C, bearded dragons can naturally synthesize the vitamin and do not need an additional source. A diet rich in citrus fruit can interfere with the absorption of calcium in bearded dragons and can result in several health issues such as metabolic bone disease and high calcium levels.

As a responsible pet owner, it’s essential to watch for symptoms of illnesses such as lethargy, loss of appetite, and loose stools. If your bearded dragon displays any of these symptoms or others after consuming citrus fruit like oranges, always consult your veterinarian. In some cases, treatment may contain antibiotics, specific diets, and administering fluids to prevent dehydration.

A bearded dragon’s diet is crucial to its overall health and wellbeing. Treats such as oranges should only be a small part of their diet and never be given in excess. Always remember to provide your pet with a well-balanced and nutritious meal, and always consult your veterinarian before introducing any new foods. Remember to take care of your bearded dragon, and it will bring you immense joy and companionship for years to come.

Health Risks for Beardies from Eating Oranges

Taking care of a pet bearded dragon can be overwhelming, but it is entirely worth it. Along with the proper Nutrition, activity, and enricHment, Sticking to the adequate portions of fruit intake is also significant. The blog highlights the health risks for bearded dragons from consuming oranges.

Remember to make sure your pet’s diet includes various foods rich in nutrients, and not all favorites are the right choice for your bearded dragon.
As always, the best advice is to seek help from professional caregivers and seek personalized diet recommendations. Happy pet parenting!


What fruit is toxic for a bearded dragon?

Bearded dragons should never be given avocado as it is toxic to them. Avocado contains persin, a fungicidal toxin that can be deadly for bearded dragons.

Can beardies eat carrots?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat carrots. In fact, carrots are a great source of nutrition, as they’re packed with vitamins and minerals, like vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. However, you should be careful not to feed your bearded dragon too many carrots, as they are high in oxalates, which can interfere with calcium absorption and lead to metabolic bone disease.

Useful Video: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Oranges? What you must know!


In conclusion, bearded dragons can eat oranges, but only in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. While these fruits can be packed with vitamins and other nutrients that are beneficial to your pet, excessive intake can lead to health problems. Always give your bearded dragon small pieces of clean oranges as a treat and supplement it with other fruits, vegetables, and insects. With knowledge and good care, your bearded dragon can enjoy a long and healthy life eating all the right foods.


  1. https://www.webmd.com/pets/what-to-know-about-bearded-dragons#:~:text=A%20Bearded%20Dragon’s%20Temperament,-Captive%2Dbred%20bearded&text=Some%20may%20be%20fine%20with,need%20constant%20attention%20or%20handling.
  2. https://petsvills.com/can-bearded-dragons-eat-oranges/