
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach?

Bearded dragons are beloved pets for their docile nature, affectionate personality, and easy maintenance. As an owner, one thing you need to know is a proper diet for your pet. Like every other animal, it has certain dietary requirements to live a healthy life. Feeding your pet the right food can improve its overall health, and that includes leafy greens like spinach. You might be wondering if your bearded dragon can eat spinach or not. This blog post will explain everything you need to know before feeding spinach to your pet.

Bearded Dragons Diet: All You Need to Know

Taking care of a pet is not just about giving them water and shelter; it’s about ensuring that they get the right diet and nutrition too. And when it comes to bearded dragons, their diet is not only unique but also crucial to their wellbeing. As an owner, it’s crucial to realize what a bearded dragon should eat and what to avoid. So if you’re a new owner or simply in need of some dietary tips, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’ll cover the basics of a diet of a beardie—what they eat, how often they should eat, and much more.

Bearded Dragons Diet: All You Need to Know

These reptiles are often considered omnivores, which means that beardies can eat foods which are animal-based as well as plant-based. But it is highly important to state that their diet is primarily dependent on their age and size. For example, younger beardies should consume more insects and protein-based food than older ones.

Fruits and vegetables can make up a higher proportion of the diet of adult beardies. As a rule, juvenile bearded dragons under one year of age should have a diet that contains 80% animal-based foods and 20% plant-based ones.

Females out of breeding age and males who are not breeding should have a diet of 60% plant-based foods and 40% animal-based foods, while breeding females and males require 40% plant-based foods and 60% animal-based foods. [1]

Let’s now check specific foods that are safe for your beardie. Some safe vegetable options include kale, bell peppers, squash, green beans. Fruits like pears, apples, berries, melon, and apricots are also a great addition to their diet. However, there are a few foods that should be avoided. Any citrus fruit, iceberg lettuce, avocado, and rhubarb are a big no-no. Other human foods like bread, crackers, and cheese should also be avoided, because beardies cannot digest them.

When it comes to animal-based foods, it is crucial to know that insects are an ideal protein source. Crickets, mealworms, roaches, and waxworms are all great options. However, try to avoid feeding them with bugs caught outdoors, as they might contain parasites or chemicals that can be harmful to your pet. Similarly, small rodents like mice can be fed to adult beardies from time to time, but they should never be a primary food source.

The best way to feed a bearded dragon is to offer them live prey, as they are more likely to recognize and catch moving insects. How often you feed your bearded dragon is another important consideration. Like the food itself, the feeding frequency changes with age and size. Juvenile bearded dragons under a year old will require feeding at least three times a day. For adults, food can be offered once or twice a day. Be mindful of how much you feed them as overfeeding can cause obesity and other health issues. A good rule is to offer food as much as the size of your bearded dragon’s head.

In conclusion, a diet of a beardie plays a vital role in their growth and general wellbeing. A well-rounded diet with the right balance of animal and plants-based foods will provide bearded dragons with the necessary nutrients and energy they need to thrive. Remember to exercise caution when feeding your pet and avoid any harmful foods or chemical-based insecticides. Furthermore, don’t overfeed them, and always keep things balanced. By following these tips, you’ll be ensuring that your bearded dragon is receiving the proper care and diet they need. So go ahead, start experimenting with the plethora of food options we’ve listed, and enjoy watching your pet grow healthy and happy.

The Best Food for Your Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons have become a popular pet for many families, and it’s no surprise why. They are friendly, active, and easy to maintain. However, when it comes to feeding them, it can be a little tricky to know exactly what to give. In this part we’ve rounded up the top 5 best foods for your scaly little friend.


It will be great if dark leafy greens, for example, kale, collard greens and dandelion greens, make up the majority of a beardie’s diet. These are highly nutritious and provide a good source of fiber, calcium, and other vitamins. But remember to chop all the greens and remove all the tough areas.


Beardies need protein, and insects are a great way to provide it. Crickets, mealworms, and roaches are all good choices. Make sure to buy gut-loaded or dusted insects, which means that they have been fed with nutritious food or dusted with supplements before being fed to your reptile pet. For young beardies, aim to feed them twice a day, while adults can be fed once a day.


Bearded dragons love fruit, but be careful not to overdo it, as it contains a lot of sugar. Good fruit choices include mango, papaya, and berries, which are high in vitamin C. You can also give your bearded dragon a small amount of low-acid citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits, as treats.


Vegetables are another important source of minerals and vitamins for beardies. Squash, carrots, and sweet potato are all good choices. Be sure to chop them thoroughly and cook these vegetables before you feed them, as these reptiles are not able to break down raw vegetables properly.

Calcium supplements

Calcium is essential for the health of a bearded dragon’s bones and muscles. Some vegetables and insects contain calcium, but it’s also a good idea to give your bearded dragon a calcium supplement. You can purchase calcium supplements in powder form and dust the insects with it before feeding them.

Calcium supplements

Feeding this reptile pet the suitable food is essential for their health and happiness. Aim to give beardies a balanced diet which includes dark leafy greens, insects, fruit, vegetables, and a calcium supplement. Your beardie will thank you for providing them with the best possible care through a healthy diet. Now, time to stock up on those greens and insects!

Spinach in Bearded Dragons Diet

When we talk about feeding our reptile pets, it can be challenging to find the right food to keep them healthy and happy. One of the biggest challenges is finding products with all the necessary nutrients that our bearded dragons need to thrive. One product that has been a topic of debate amongst beardies owners is spinach. Some people swear by it, while others claim it’s not worth feeding. Here we invite you to check whether this product is worth feeding.

To start with it is important to know that this is a green vegetable that is packed with a number of minerals and vitamins. It is rich in such vitamins as vitamin C, K, iron, and calcium. Although this product contains all the vitamins mentioned above, it also contains oxalates. These are compounds that can bind with calcium, and they don’t let the body absorb it. This fact may cause calcium deficiency, which can be deadly for these reptiles. [2]

One of the ways to avoid overfeeding spinach is to give it to your beardie in combination with other greens. This way your beardie can get the benefits of spinach without the risk of calcium deficiency. One more important factor to consider is the preparation method. Cooking spinach can also help reduce the oxalates present, making it safer for your beardie to consume.

If you’re still unsure about feeding spinach to your bearded dragon, you can always consult with your veterinarian.
They can give you some tips on how much spinach to feed and how often to do it. They can also recommend other greens that your beardie may enjoy.

In conclusion, spinach can be a valuable addition to the diet of your beardie when fed in moderation. It’s essential to combine it with other greens and vary their diet to ensure they are getting all the nutrients they need. Additionally, cutting or cooking the spinach can reduce the risks of oxalates and calcium-deficiency. So, the next time you’re at the grocery store, don’t hesitate to pick up some spinach for your beloved beardie. They may just love it

The Nutritional Value of Spinach

Spinach is a superfood that is packed with essential nutrients which are important to your bearded dragon’s health. It contains high levels of calcium, iron, potassium,magnesium, and also Vitamins A, C, K, and B6. All these nutrients are highly important for maintaining healthy bones, muscles, and organs, promoting healthy growth, and boosting the beardie’s immune system.

When you feed a bearded dragon with spinach, it’s important to remember that too much spinach can be harmful to them since it contains oxalates that can bind with calcium and cause health issues such as kidney problems. To avoid this, it’s advisable to feed spinach to your bearded dragon in moderation. You can feed them spinach a couple of times a week and offer other greens the rest of the time. You can also mix spinach with other greens to reduce the oxalate content.

The Nutritional Value of Spinach

Spinach is great for your bearded dragon’s eyesight. It contains high levels of Vitamin A, which is essential for maintaining your pet’s vision health. Spinach is also great for their immune system as it contains high levels of Vitamin C, which helps to fight off infections and diseases. The presence of essential minerals such as iron in spinach is also essential for their blood health.

Preparing Spinach for Your Pet

Before you feed spinach to a bearded dragon, wash the spinach leaves in cool, clean water to remove any dirt or chemicals. It’s also advisable to chop the leaves into smaller pieces to make it easier for your pet to digest. Be sure not to cook spinach as this could lead to a loss of essential nutrients.

While spinach is a great green for your bearded dragon, it should not be the only vegetable that you feed your pet. You should always aim for variety in your pet’s diet to ensure a balanced intake of nutrients. Other great greens to consider include collard greens,kale, dandelion greens, and turnip greens.

In conclusion, including spinach in the diet of your bearded dragon is a great way to provide them with plenty of nutrients. However, it’s important to feed spinach in moderation due to its oxalate content. Be sure to monitor your pet’s diet and ensure that you are offering them a variety of vegetables to keep them healthy and happy.

Health Risks of Feeding Spinach to Your Bearded Dragon

Many owners of pets, especially those who have a bearded dragon, can be giving spinach to their pets as a source of nutrition. However, did you know that spinach can actually be harmful to your pet? Yes, it’s true! As we have already discussed above, spinach may sometimes be pretty dangerous for your beardie. In this part, we offer you to check the health risks of feeding spinach to your reptile pet.

Spinach Has High Oxalate Content

It’s not a secret that this product contains a high level of oxalates, and it may harm your pet’s digestive system. Oxalates have the tendency to bind with calcium in the body and form crystals that can cause blockages in the digestive tract and even lead to renal disease. [2]

Lack of Nutritional Value

Spinach doesn’t offer much nutritional value to your bearded dragon. It doesn’t contain enough calcium, vitamins, or minerals that your pet needs to stay healthy. Feeding your bearded dragon spinach frequently may lead to malnutrition, and it might also make it more difficult for your pet to absorb the nutrients from other foods.

Too Much Fiber

Bearded dragons are not able to digest too much fiber, and spinach is incredibly high in fiber. Overloading your bearded dragon’s digestive system with too much spinach can cause bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Potentially Vitamin-A Toxic

Spinach is rich in vitamin A, which may be beneficial to your bearded dragon. However, giving too much vitamin A to your bearded dragon, especially if it is already getting enough from other sources, can be toxic to your pet. Symptoms of vitamin A toxicity include weight loss, weakness, depression, lethargy, and even death.

Can Interfere with Calcium Absorption

Spinach is high in oxalates, which can combine with calcium and form crystals. When this happens, the kidney has difficulty processing the calcium, leading to a reduction in the absorption of calcium from the diet. This can lead to metabolic bone disease, which can affect the growth and development of your bearded dragon.

Can Interfere with Calcium Absorption

It may be tempting to offer your bearded dragon spinach as a healthy snack, but in reality, it is not a safe food for your pet. Spinach can cause a multitude of problems in your bearded dragon’s digestive system and overall health. Remember to keep spinach away from your pet’s diet and offer a wide variety of nutritious foods. Your bearded dragon will thank you for it.

How Often to Feed Spinach to the Bearded Dragon

Bearded Dragons are one of the most beloved pets all over the world. They are interesting creatures that are known for being low-maintenance, easy to train, and live for a long time. While these creatures are not too picky when it comes to their feeding habits, It is important to monitor how often you’re feeding your Bearded Dragon spinach. Read on to learn more about the frequency of feeding spinach to your Bearded Dragon.

Spinach is an excellent food source for Bearded Dragons – when fed properly.

Spinach is a rich source of minerals, vitamins, and fiber that beardies need to thrive and stay healthy.
However, spinach also contains oxalates, which when given in large amounts may lead to calcium bind, and other health issues. In feeding spinach to your Bearded Dragon, it is essential to strike a nutritional balance, which will significantly depend on how often you’re feeding your Bearded Dragon.

Feeding spinach to your Bearded Dragon is recommended but in smaller quantities than other greens. You can offer spinach as part of your Bearded Dragons veggies or salad mix, once per week, and just in chopped amounts. Mixing spinach with other greens helps dilute the amount of oxalates while adding variety to your beardies’ diet.

It is best to avoid offering spinach on a daily basis as it could lead to an accumulation of oxalates in your Bearded Dragon’s system. This accumulation of oxalates may cause discomfort, lethargy, or even death to your beardie. To minimize the risk, offer one or two meals of veggies per week. This will reduce the stress on your Bearded Dragon’s organs, especially the liver and kidneys, while fulfilling their nutritional requirements.

If you’re not sure about how often to feed your Bearded Dragon spinach, consult with a reputable veterinarian. They will conduct a physical evaluation to help you establish a safe nutritional balance that works best for your beardie. This consultation will help you avoid any health complications or risks associated with feeding your Bearded Dragon spinach.

How Often to Feed Spinach to the Bearded Dragon

Feeding a Bearded Dragon spinach on a moderate basis is encouraged as it adds a boost of essential minerals and vitamins to their diet. However, feeding spinach in large amounts could be harmful to their health, which is why moderation is key. As a responsible pet owner, you should monitor the frequency of feeding your Bearded Dragon spinach and always create a balanced nutritional plan. Remember to consult with your veterinarian, especially if you’re uncertain about how often you should be feeding your beardie spinach or any other greens that you wish to include in their diet. [3]


Can bearded dragons eat spinach stems?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat spinach stems. Spinach stems are rich in fiber and essential nutrients that keep your pet healthy. However, it’s essential to ensure that you cut the stems into small, bite-sized pieces that are easy for your bearded dragon to chew and swallow. Also, avoid feeding your bearded dragon spinach stems daily, as they contain oxalic acid, which can bind calcium and other essential nutrients in your pet’s body.

Is spinach safe for a bearded dragon?

Spinach is generally safe for bearded dragons when fed in moderation. Spinach is packed with vitamins A, B2, B6, and C, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium.

Is spinach safe for a bearded dragon?

However, spinach also contains oxalic acid, which can bind calcium and other essential nutrients in your pet’s body. Therefore, you should only feed spinach in small quantities.

What vegetables are toxic for bearded dragons?

The list is actually quite long – some of the more toxic options include avocado, rhubarb, and mushrooms. These veggies contain harmful chemicals that can cause a range of health issues, from digestive problems to seizures or even death. Additionally, be sure to avoid feeding your pet any canned or processed vegetables, as these can contain added salts and preservatives that can be harmful.

Useful Video: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach


As you can see, spinach is a nutritious leafy green that can be beneficial for your Bearded dragon’s health in moderation. But because of the risk of calcium deficiency, it should be given in small amounts. In addition to spinach, there are other leafy greens that can provide a balanced diet for your pet. Allow your Bearded dragon to try different leafy greens along with other veggies and fruits to ensure they are getting a well-balanced diet. A proper diet, along with a clean habitat and medical attention, can help improve and extend your Bearded dragon’s life.


  1. https://www.webmd.com/pets/what-to-know-about-bearded-dragons#:~:text=Young%20bearded%20dragons%20need%20about,more%20than%20twice%20per%20week.
  2. https://dragonsdiet.com/blogs/dragon-care/can-bearded-dragons-eat-spinach#:~:text=Despite%20all%20these%20incredible%20benefits,being%20absorbed%20into%20the%20bloodstream.
  3. https://beardeddragoncare.info/can-bearded-dragons-eat-spinach/