
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Watermelon?

Bearded dragons are fascinating creatures, and they are among the most popular pets in the United States. If you have a bearded dragon, you want to provide him with a healthy and balanced diet. You already know that they eat mealworms, crickets, and other insects, but sometimes you might want to give them a treat. The question is, can bearded dragons eat watermelon?

A Bearded Dragon As a Pet

Are you in search of a new and unique pet to bring into your home? Look no further than the bearded dragon! These lizards have been gaining popularity among pet owners in recent years due to easy-to-maintain habitat.

A Bearded Dragon As a Pet

With the right amount of care and attention, a bearded dragon can make a wonderful and low-maintenance addition to your family. Read on for our complete guide to having a beardie as a pet.


The first step here is setting up their habitat. A glass terrarium or aquarium is the ideal housing for your new pet, with a screened top for ventilation. These pets need plenty of space to roam, so aim for a habitat that’s at least 36 inches long and 18 inches wide. You’ll also want to provide a basking area with a heat lamp, as well as a cool side of the habitat for when they need to cool off. Be sure to also include a hiding area and a few things to climb on. [1]


Beardies have a fairly simple diet, consisting of primarily insects and vegetables.

As a general rule, insects should make up about 75% of the diet of your beardie, with vegetables making up the other 25%.
Great choices for insects include crickets, mealworms, and Dubia roaches. Feeder insects should be gut-loaded with a nutritious diet and dusted with vitamin D3 as well as Calcium supplements before being fed to your pet.


These reptiles are typically very healthy animals, but like any pet, they can fall ill from time to time. Signs of illness in bearded dragons can include lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and abnormal stool. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to take your bearded dragon to an exotic animal veterinarian as soon as possible. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian are also recommended to ensure that your pet is healthy and happy.


Beardies are known for their calm and docile nature, making them easy to handle. When picking up your reptile pet, be sure to support their body and avoid holding them by their tail. It’s also important to wash your hands before and after handling your pet, as bearded dragons can carry salmonella. While handling your new pet, you may notice that they puff out their beard when stressed – this is a normal behavior for bearded dragons.


Bearded dragons are curious creatures and require mental stimulation in addition to their physical needs. Providing your pet with different items to explore and interact with can help keep them mentally stimulated. Some ideas for enrichment include hiding live insects for them to find, adding branches or rocks for climbing, and introducing toys such as a bouncy ball or mirror.

These reptiles make wonderful pets for many reasons – they’re low-maintenance, easy to handle, and have unique personalities. With the right setup and care, a bearded dragon can live a long and healthy life in your home. Remember to always educate yourself on the proper care of any new pet before bringing them into your home, and don’t hesitate to reach out to a veterinarian if you have any concerns.

What to Feed to a Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons are delightful pets! They are friendly, easy to care for, and have amazing personalities. But, being delicate creatures, it’s essential to give them the right kind of food so they can be healthy and happy. In this part of our article, we’ll discuss in detail what to feed your bearded dragon, the feeding schedule, and the supplements you should provide. Read on to learn more!

The Right Kind of Food

To start with,  it is important to note that in the wild, beardies mostly eat insects, and plant-based food like fruits and vegetables.

The Right Kind of Food

You can mimic this by feeding them a diet consisting of vegetables (e.g., kale, collard greens, sweet potato, and mustard greens), and animal proteins . Avoid feeding them canned or frozen food because it can harm their digestive system.

Feeding Schedule

The number of times you feed a beardie depends on their age. For adult bearded dragons, once a day feeding should suffice. For younger ones (less than one year), it’s recommended to feed them at least twice a day. In general, it’s best to feed your bearded dragon around the same time every day. This creates a consistent routine for them, and it can help you keep track of their food intake.


The diet of your beardie must include the supplements of calcium and vitamin D3. Calcium helps their body to develop strong bones and muscles, and vitamin D3 helps the body in the absorption of calcium and other essential minerals. You can provide the supplements by dusting the insects with calcium powder before you feed them to your reptile pet.

Foods to Avoid

It’s better not to feed your beardie the following foods: avocado (it’s toxic to them), , citrus (it’s too acidic for their digestive system), and plants treated with pesticides (it’s toxic to them). Also, avoid feeding them insects caught in the wild as they may have parasites or insecticides.


Bearded dragons get most of their water from the vegetables and hydrating foods they eat. However, they still require a dish of fresh water in their enclosure.

Make sure to change their water daily to promote good hygiene, and prevent bacterial growth.

A well-nourished bearded dragon is a happy, playful pet. By following the guidelines in this blog, you can ensure your bearded dragon has a nutritious, well-balanced diet that will keep them healthy for years to come!

Watermelon: the Nutritional Value

Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit that we all love, especially during hot summer days. You may not know, however, that this pink, juicy fruit is more than just a tasty treat. Watermelon is also full of essential nutrients that are incredibly beneficial to your health. Let’s explore the nutritional value of watermelon and why it should be added to your diet.

Rich in Vitamin C and A

Watermelons are rich in Vitamins C and A, crucial vitamins that help strengthen your immune system and improve your vision. One slice of watermelon contains 25% of the daily recommended value of Vitamin C and 11% of Vitamin A. With watermelon being such a fun fruit that can be added to so many dishes, you can easily incorporate it into your diet and start reaping the benefits. [2]

Low in Calories

Do you love to snack but are afraid of packing on the pounds? You’ll be happy to learn that watermelon is a great snack choice for those who are watching their weight. With only 46 calories per cup, you can snack away on watermelons guilt-free. [2]


As its name suggests, watermelon is high in water, containing about 92% water and boasting a low calorie count. Thus, eating watermelon is an excellent way to stay hydrated, especially on hot summer days.


Keeping hydrated has numerous benefits for our bodies, including improving our mental clarity and keeping our organs functioning properly.


The bright red color of watermelon comes from lycopene, an antioxidant that has many health benefits that studies have shown to help lower the risk of certain cancers such as prostate and breast cancer. Lycopene may also promote heart health, skin health, and provide anti-inflammatory effects. Eating watermelon is an excellent way to consume lycopene, which our bodies cannot make naturally.

Boosts Cardiovascular health

Eating watermelon may lower your risk of heart diseases due to its status as a natural source of both citrulline and arginine. These amino acids help to maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Additionally, the potassium and magnesium found in watermelon can help regulate blood pressure and keep your heart healthy.

In conclusion, watermelon is a nutritious and delicious fruit that can play a significant role in your diet. It’s not only a sweet and refreshing snack but provides essential vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your health. Whether eaten alone or added to smoothies and desserts, watermelon is a great choice for maintaining good health and hydration. So, next time you are in the produce section, grab a watermelon and start discovering the numerous benefits for yourself.

Pros and Cons of Feeding a Watermelon to a Bearded Dragon

As a pet owner, you always want to make sure that your beloved animals get the best food possible. But when it comes to reptiles like bearded dragons, their dietary requirements may be a bit different than what you’re used to. One question that many pet parents ask is if it’s safe to feed watermelons to their bearded dragons. The short answer is yes, but as with any food, there are both pros and cons to consider. In this part post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the benefits and drawbacks of feeding watermelons to your beardie.

The benefits are as follows:

High Water Content

It is crucial for beardies to stay hydrated, and watermelons can provide them with that. Watermelons contain a lot of water, so they can help keep your pet hydrated, especially during hot weather. They can also promote healthy digestion and bowel movements.

Lots of Nutrients

Watermelons are also packed with a big number of nutrients that are highly important for a bearded dragon to stay healthy, such as vitamins A, C, and B6, potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants. These nutrients are important for the health of the skin of your bearded dragon, as well as its eyesight, and immune system.

A Good Treat

Feeding your reptile pet a little bit of watermelon can provide him with a good treat. A lot of beardies enjoy the sweet taste of watermelons, and it can be a healthy way to reward your pet for good behavior.

Cons of Feeding a Watermelon to a Bearded Dragon

Too Much Sugar

While watermelons contain a lot of nutrients, they also have a high sugar content. Excessive sugar intake can lead to a variety of health issues, such as obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.

Too Much Sugar

Therefore, it’s important to feed your bearded dragon watermelons in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.

May Cause Diarrhea

Feeding your bearded dragon too much watermelon can cause diarrhea or other digestive issues. This is because watermelons have a high water content, and too much water can flush out important nutrients from your pet’s system.

Possible Choking Hazard

Watermelon seeds can be a choking hazard for bearded dragons. Although the seeds are small, they can get lodged in your pet’s throat, causing them to choke. Make sure to remove all seeds before feeding your bearded dragon watermelon.

In conclusion, feeding your bearded dragon watermelons can have both benefits and drawbacks. While it’s a good source of hydration and nutrients, it can also be too sugary and cause digestive issues if not fed in moderation. As a responsible pet owner, it’s important to consider both the pros and cons and feed your bearded dragon a balanced diet of a variety of fruits and vegetables. If you’re unsure about feeding your bearded dragon watermelons, consult with a veterinarian or a reptile specialist to ensure your pet’s optimal health.

Risks of Feeding a Watermelon to Your Beardie

Beardies are gentle, friendly creatures and they make great pets for reptile lovers. While they primarily thrive on a diet of insects and greens, owners are often tempted to offer other treats to their beardies. One that might be on your mind is watermelon, a juicy and refreshing fruit that also happens to be low in fat and calories. But is it safe to feed a watermelon to your beardie? That’s what we’re here to discuss. In this part of our article, we’ll delve into the potential risks of giving your beardie watermelon, and what precautions you can take to keep them healthy and happy.

First of all, it’s necessary to state that while watermelons are high in water content and contain some vitamins and minerals, they are not a natural part of a bearded dragon’s diet. Bearded dragons are adapted to eat insects, vegetables, and leafy greens, and foods high in sugar, acid, or moisture can upset their delicate digestive systems.

For one thing, the acid in watermelon can cause diarrhea or stomach irritation in some bearded dragons. This is more likely to happen if your beardie is already prone to digestive issues, or if they eat a large amount of watermelon in one sitting.

Furthermore, beardies are prone to dehydration, and watermelons can increase the risk of dehydration if given in large amounts. While this risk is low, it’s something you should remember about if you’re considering adding watermelon to your beardie’s diet.

Another concern when it comes to feeding watermelons to your beardie is the risk of impaction – a blockage in your bearded dragon’s digestive system that can lead to serious health problems. Bearded dragons don’t have the enzymes to break down cellulose, which is found in some fruits and vegetables (including watermelon), and too much of it can cause a blockage in their gut. This is especially true if your beardie eats the rind or seeds of the watermelon, which are harder to digest. If your beardie is showing signs of impaction, such as decreased appetite, lethargy, or vomiting, it’s important to see a vet immediately. [3]

Risks of Feeding a Watermelon to Your Beardie

So, should you feed your beardie watermelon at all? As with most things, moderation is key. If you want to give your beardie a treat, small pieces of ripe, seedless watermelon are generally safe in moderation.

Be sure to remove the rind and seeds before offering, and stick to feeding watermelon as an occasional treat rather than a staple part of your beardie’s diet.

In conclusion, while it may seem harmless to offer a piece of watermelon to your bearded dragon from time to time, it’s highly important to exercise caution and moderation. Keep in mind the potential risks of stomach irritation, dehydration, and impaction, and limit your beardie’s access to watermelon if you do decide to offer it. Remember that the best diet for a bearded dragon is one that’s rich in insects, leafy greens, and other sources of protein and fiber, so focus on providing a varied and balanced diet that meets all of your beardie’s nutritional needs. With a little bit of TLC, you can give your beardie a happy and healthy life.

How to Prepare a Watermelon for a Beardie: Step-By-Step Guide

Bearded dragons are adorable pets that provide their owners with hours of amusement. However, just as with other pets, bearded dragons require special care to keep them healthy. Food is a crucial aspect of their care, and providing them with healthy treats ensures that they enjoy a long, healthy, and happy life. A watermelon is a great source of minerals and vitamins necessary for your beardie. However, not all people know how to prepare a watermelon to make it safe and enjoyable for their bearded dragon. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to prepare a watermelon for your beardie.

Selecting the Watermelon

Picking ripe watermelons ensures that they are sweetened properly, and they contain the right water content. If the watermelon has a white spot, it indicates that it has been lying on the ground for too long and is not ripe. The spot should be yellow, and the lines on the watermelon should be well pronounced. Collectively, these are indications that the watermelon is ripe.

Cleaning the Watermelon

Before cutting the watermelon, it is essential to sterilize it. Wash it using running water and scrub it gently with a vegetable brush. If you are concerned about the chemicals that might have been used to grow the watermelon, then you should opt for organic watermelons or other fruits that are pesticide-free.

Cutting the Watermelon

After cleaning the watermelon, it is time to cut it up. Cut the watermelon into small, bite-sized slices. This makes it easier for the bearded dragon to eat and prevents choking hazards.

Serving the Watermelon

You can place the slices in a bowl or on a plate in their feeding area.

Serving the Watermelon

It is essential to keep the watermelon pieces fresh by rinsing them occasionally and changing the water in the bowl or plate.


Watermelon can only be stored for a maximum of three days in the fridge. Therefore, only cut a tiny amount of watermelon for your bearded dragon to eat to avoid wastage.


Do beardies eat carrots?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat carrots. You can offer your beardie small pieces of fresh, raw carrots as an occasional treat or as part of a balanced diet.

Do bearded dragons eat meat?

Yes, bearded dragons are omnivores and require a combination of vegetables, fruits, and protein sources to stay healthy. In the wild, they feed on insects, such as crickets and mealworms, as well as some leafy greens and flowers.

What can’t bearded dragons eat?

Raw meat or eggs: Raw meat and eggs can contain harmful bacteria, such as salmonella, that can make your bearded dragon sick.

High-fat or high-sugar foods: Junk food, sweets, and fatty meats can lead to obesity and other health concerns.

Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits, such as lemons, oranges, and grapefruits, can cause digestive issues and interfere with calcium absorption.

Useful Video: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Watermelons |


In conclusion, bearded dragons can eat watermelon as a treat as long as it is done in moderation and prepared properly. It is important to remember that watermelon should not be their primary food source since they require a specific diet that is high in protein, calcium, and other nutrients. Feeding your bearded dragon a balanced diet will help them live a long and healthy life. If you have any questions about feeding your bearded dragon watermelon or any other type of food, consult a veterinarian or join online forums to get advice from other experienced owners.


  1. https://www.thesprucepets.com/bearded-dragons-as-pets-1236896
  2. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/watermelon-health-benefits#:~:text=Watermelon%20contains%20a%20variety%20of,Carbs%3A%2011.5%20grams
  3. https://dragonsdiet.com/blogs/dragon-care/can-bearded-dragons-eat-watermelon#:~:text=Sometimes%20even%20seedless%20watermelon%20has,this%20fruit%20to%20your%20dragon.