
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Do Lizards Lay Eggs?

Do Lizards Lay Eggs?

Lizards are a popular pet choice for many people and there is a lot of interest in their eggs. Do lizards lay eggs? What kind of lizards lay eggs? How do you take care of lizard eggs?

These are common questions that we will answer in this comprehensive guide. We will provide useful tips to help you take care of your new lizard eggs.

Life Cycle of Lizards

Lizards, like many other reptiles, go through a process of metamorphosis. This means that they start out as larvae and then gradually develop into adults. The time it takes for a lizard to complete this cycle can vary depending on the species. Some lizards will take as little as two months to reach adulthood, while others may take up to two years.

During the larval stage, lizards are often very different in appearance from their adult counterparts. For example, many species of lizard will develop bright colors and patterns during this stage that they will later lose as they mature. Additionally, larva typically have much shorter tails than adults.

As lizards transition into adulthood, they will slowly gain the features that are characteristic of their species. For example, their tails will begin to grow longer and their colors will start to fade. Additionally, they will develop the ability to reproduce.

It is during the adult stage that lizards lay eggs. The number of eggs that a lizard can lay at one time can vary depending on the species. Some lizards will lay as few as two eggs, while others may lay up to 100.

Lizards typically lay their eggs in hidden places, such as under rocks or in burrows. Once the eggs have been laid, the parents will often abandon them. The eggs will then hatch after a period of incubation, which can range from a few weeks to several months.

After hatching, the larva will go through another transformation before becoming an adult. Once they have reached adulthood, they will be able to reproduce and start the cycle all over again. [2]

Life Cycle of Lizards


Parthenogenesis is a way for an organism to reproduce without having sex. IIn animals, parthenogenesis is when an embryo develops from an unfertilized egg cell.

Some plants and animals do this naturally. Komodo dragons, hammerhead sharks, turkeys, and pit vipers can do this too sometimes. It also occurs commonly among fruit fly populations.

Parthenogenesis can produce healthy offspring in some species, but it often results in offspring that are not as fit or healthy as those produced through traditional reproduction methods. This happens because, when genes from two different parents combine, the offspring are more diverse and better able to adapt.

In some cases, however, parthenogenesis may be the only reproductive option for a species. This can happen when populations are isolated (such as on an island), or when males are scarce or absent.

Parthenogenesis is not the same as cloning, which is a process of making an identical copy of an organism (or DNA) using asexual reproduction. Cloning does not involve fertilization, but it does result in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent.

Parthenogenesis is a process where an egg is fertilized by sperm from the same individual, but the offspring are only half-identical to the parent. [2]


Maturation is the process that turns a juvenile lizard into an adult. For most species, this occurs between one and two years of age. Some lizards, like geckos, can mature in as little as six months. The maturation process is when the lizard grows a lot and gets bigger. This is followed by the development of sexual organs and the ability to reproduce.

During the maturation process, lizards undergo a number of physical changes. Their bodies grow and they develop sexual organs. They also develop the ability to reproduce. Maturation is a gradual process that takes place over a period of months or years.

It is important for lizards because it is during this time that they develop the ability to reproduce. Reproduction is necessary for the survival of a species. Without it, a species would eventually die out.

The maturation process is different for each lizard species. Some lizards mature in as little as six months, while others take up to two years. The time it takes for a lizard to mature depends on the species.


Parental care

Most lizards do not take care of their young ones, but there are a few species that show some parental care. The male side-blotched lizard will defend his territory fiercely to make sure that his mate and offspring are safe.

Some mothers will stay with their eggs until they hatch. After the eggs hatch, the mothers will help the babies find food for a few weeks.

But, in general, lizards are pretty bad at being parents and will abandon their eggs as soon as they are laid. This might be because they don’t want to waste time and energy on offspring that have a very small chance of surviving to adulthood.

After all, it’s not like they can stick around and help their kids learn how to hunt and fend for themselves. [2]


There are three types of lizard egg-laying behaviors: oviparous, viviparous and ovoviviparous.

  1. Oviparous lizards lay their eggs in a nest, which the mother may or may not help to construct. Some lizards lay eggs that hatch on their own.
  2. Viviparous lizards, on the other hand, give birth to live young.
  3. And finally, ovoviviparous lizards retain their eggs inside their bodies until they are ready to hatch.

There is a lot of variation in lizard egg-laying behaviors. For example, some lizards will make a nest and put their young in it after they are born. And some ovoviviparous lizards will bury their eggs in the sand to incubate them.

Lizard egg-laying behaviors are often influenced by the environment in which the lizard lives. For example, lizards that live in dry environments are more likely to give birth to live young, because eggs can’t survive in such an environment.

Lizards that live in cold environments are more likely to give birth to eggs that hatch inside the mother’s body. This is because it is too cold for young to survive outside the mother’s body.

Lizard egg-laying behaviors can also be influenced by the size of the lizard. Smaller lizards are more likely to be viviparous, because they cannot lay very many eggs at a time. And larger lizards are more likely to be oviparous, because they can lay more eggs at a time.

Lizards that live in areas with many predators are more likely to give birth to live young. This is because their young have a better chance of surviving if they are born alive.

Finally, lizard egg-laying behaviors can also be influenced by the availability of food. For example, lizards that live in environments with a lot of food are more likely to lay eggs.

Do Lizards Lay Eggs?

Lizards are a type of reptile that can be found all over the world. There are many different types of lizards, but they all have one thing in common: they lay eggs!

Most lizards will lay their eggs in small holes or crevices, and then cover them up with dirt or vegetation. The mother lizard will then usually abandon the eggs and they will be on their own.

The eggs will incubate for a few weeks or months, depending on the species of lizard, and then hatchlings will emerge. These baby lizards are often very small and vulnerable, and have to fend for themselves from the start.

If you’re thinking about getting a lizard as a pet, it’s important to do your research first. Some lizards can grow quite large, and some require special care and housing.

But if you’re prepared to provide a good home for your new reptilian friend, you’ll be rewarded with years of companionship. [1]

Lay Eggs

Where Do Lizards Lay Their Eggs?

Lizards lay their eggs in a number of different places, depending on the species. Some will bury their eggs in the ground, while others will lay them in trees or on rocks.

There are also some lizards that give birth to live young instead of laying eggs. This is more common in species that live in colder climates, where it is difficult for the eggs to survive.

If you want to know if a particular type of lizard lays eggs, the best way to find out is by researching that specific type of lizard.

Lizards have different habits and preferences. Some lizards are more active during the day, while others are more active at night.

Other lizards are also more social than others and prefer to live in groups. Some of them, on the other hand, are quite solitary and prefer to live on their own.

All of these factors can influence where a lizard will lay its eggs. If you want to know where a particular type of lizard lays its eggs, then the best thing to do is research that specific lizard.

Most lizards lay their eggs in the spring or summer, when the weather is warm and there is plenty of food available. This gives the baby lizards the best chance of survival. [3]

Lizard Eggs and How to Identify Them?

Lizard eggs are typically white and leathery. Many species of birds lay their eggs in clutches of two to twelve eggs. Some species can even lay up to fifty eggs at a time! You can usually find them beneath rocks or in crevices near the lizard’s hiding spot. If you’re not sure if an egg is a lizard egg, you can try tapping it gently. If the egg is soft, it’s likely not a lizard egg.

If you’ve found what you think might be a lizard egg, congratulations! Now the real fun begins. The next step is to incubate the egg so that your little lizard can hatch and start its life.

There are several ways to incubate the eggs, but the most popular method is to use a commercial egg incubator. These can be purchased online or at your local pet store. Once you have your incubator, simply follow the manufacturer’s instructions to set it up.

Another option for incubating them is to build your own homemade incubator. This is a great option if you’re on a budget or if you’re the DIY type. There are many guides online on how to build your own incubator using common household items.

Once your incubator is set up and ready to go, it’s time to add your eggs! Gently place each egg into the incubator, being careful not to damage them. Once all of the eggs are in, close the incubator and make sure that it is set to the correct temperature.

Now you just have to wait for the eggs to hatch. This will take anywhere from two to eight weeks, depending on the species of lizard. Once they start hatching, you’ll have a whole new batch of baby lizards to take care of. [3]

Lizard Eggs and How to Identify Them


Where Do the Lizards Lay Their Eggs?

Different types of lizards lay their eggs in different places. Some bury their eggs in the ground, while others lay them on rocks or in trees.

What Do Lizard Eggs Look Like?

Lizard eggs are small and leathery. They vary in color, but are typically white, cream, or pale green. Some species of lizards lay their eggs in clutches, while others lay them individually.

The size of the clutch depends on the species of lizard. For example, geckos typically lay two eggs at a time, while skinks can lay up to 25.

Lizard eggs typically hatch anywhere from two to eight weeks after they are laid. The incubation period (the time it takes for the egg to hatch) is shorter for smaller lizards and longer for larger ones.

Once they hatch, baby lizards are on their own. Their parents do not stick around to care for them or help them learn how to hunt and survive.

If you find a lizard egg, it is best not to handle it. The oil on your skin can damage the egg’s leathery shell and prevent it from hatching. If you must handle the egg, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.

If you are interested in learning more about lizards and their eggs, there are plenty of great resources available online and in your local library.

Can Lizards Lay Eggs Without a Male?

Yes, some lizards can lay eggs without a male present. This is when a lizard reproduces without a male. In these species, the females can produce eggs that can hatch into healthy babies without any genetic input from a male. Parthenogenesis is a rare way for an animal to have babies. It is not known to happen in any other type of lizard.

Although parthenogenesis is a fascinating reproductive strategy, it has some drawbacks. One major disadvantage is that it can lead to very low genetic diversity in a population. This lack of diversity can make a population more susceptible to disease and environmental changes.

Another disadvantage of parthenogenesis is that it can be difficult for a population to rebound from a catastrophic event. If most of the female members of a population are killed by a natural disaster, the entire population could be lost if there are no males present to mate with the remaining females.

Overall, parthenogenesis is an interesting reproductive strategy, but it has its drawbacks. If you are interested in keeping lizards as pets, you should stick to species that reproduce sexually.

Can Lizards Lay Eggs Without a Male

Do Lizards Lay Eggs All the Time?

No, lizards do not lay eggs all the time. Lizards generally lay eggs during the spring and summer months when food is plentiful and the weather is warm. Some species of lizard will lay eggs multiple times throughout the season while others will only lay eggs once.

Lizards that live in cold areas go into a type of hibernation during the winter. During this time, they do not lay eggs.

Do Lizards Make Nests in Houses?

While it is not common, sometimes lizards will make their nests inside homes. This usually happens if the lizard has found its way indoors and cannot find a way back out.

If you find a lizard nest in your home, there is no need to be alarmed. The lizard is not likely to stay for long and will not cause any damage.

If you want to get rid of the lizard nest, you can gently remove it and release the lizards outside. Make sure to do this at night when they are most active. You can also use a reptile repellent to keep them away from your home.

Useful Video: Lizard laying eggs


So, do lizards lay eggs? The answer is both yes and no. Some species of lizard give birth to live young while others lay eggs.

No matter what type of lizard it is, they all have one thing in common: they need to find a place to bury their eggs or keep their young safe and protected until they are ready to hatch or be born.

Thanks for reading! We hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or would like to share your own experiences with lizard egg-laying, please leave a comment below!


  1. https://a-z-animals.com/blog/do-lizards-lay-eggs/
  2. https://www.britannica.com/animal/lizard/Natural-history
  3. https://www.rentokil.com.sg/my-pest-control-quick-tips/my-home-tips/where-does-house-lizard-lay-their-eggs/