
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery?

Bearded dragons are one of the most popular pets, and as a responsible owner, you are always looking for ways to keep your bearded dragon healthy and happy. One question that often arises is whether or not bearded dragons can eat celery. In this post, we’ll answer this question and explain everything you need to know about feeding celery to your bearded dragon.

Bearded Dragons: All You Need to Know

These reptiles are fascinating creatures that are gaining popularity as pets among animal enthusiasts. With their docile nature and easy-to-manage lifestyle, they have become a favorite among first-time pet owners. If you’re considering getting a bearded dragon for yourself, this guide to all things beardie will help you take the best care of your new pet.

What is a beardie?

These are medium-sized lizards native to Australia. They are sociable creatures with a friendly disposition, which makes them ideal for families with kids. This docile creature is easy to take care of, and with proper handling, will become a loyal companion.

What is a beardie?

One of the most striking features of this exotic pet is the beard, a flap of skin located on their chin, which they puff out when feeling threatened or excited.

Ideal Living Conditions

These reptiles need a large terrarium where they can move around and bask under a lamp to simulate the heat they would get from the sun in their natural habitat. A 40-gallon tank is an ideal size and can house one adult beardie comfortably. It’s essential to create a terrarium that mimics their natural habitat by adding hiding spots, rocks and other structures.

Feeding and Nutrition

Bearded dragons are omnivorous and they need a balanced diet consisting of both plant and animal matter. The diet of these reptiles should include crickets, mealworms, and other insects, as well as fruits and vegetables. It’s crucial to feed them high-quality food, particularly fresh greens, to keep them healthy. [1]

Basic Healthcare

To keep your reptile pet healthy, ensure they have access to clean water and regularly clean the terrarium and their food and water dishes. Regular vet visits are recommended, and treatments such as deworming and nail trimming should be done regularly.

Temperament and Socialization

Bearded dragons are social creatures, and with proper handling, they can become great pets. They enjoy being held, and thanks to their friendly nature, will not bite their owners. It’s essential for new owners to give their beardie time to acclimate and not to hold them too much initially. With time and patience, they’ll soon become cuddle buddies.

In conclusion, owning a bearded dragon is a relatively low-maintenance pet experience for people looking to add a new companion into their family. By providing them with a well-maintained habitat, a balanced diet, and proper care, you can make your bearded dragon healthy and happy. They are a fascinating pet to watch, interact with, and befriend because of their friendly nature. So, if you’ve been considering getting one, go ahead and take the leap – there’s so much fun to be had with your new furry (or, scaly) friend!

How to Feed a Bearded Dragon

These reptiles are amazing pets to keep. They are strong, friendly, and have a docile demeanor. However, to ensure they remain healthy and happy, proper care and feeding are essential. As a responsible pet parent, you need to provide them a safe and friendly environment to thrive. In this part of our post, we’ll discuss what you should feed your reptile pet, how much to feed, and how often.

Understanding bearded dragon nutrition needs

When we speak about feeding your reptile pet, the first step is to understand their nutritional needs. A healthy diet for beardies should include a balance of fresh vegetables, greens, fruits, and insects, with appropriate vitamin and calcium supplements. Adult reptiles need less protein and more leafy greens than juvenile bearded dragons.

What greens and vegetables to give to your bearded dragon

Mustard greens, collard greens, kale, and Swiss chard are excellent vegetables to feed your bearded dragon. These veggies provide high amounts of calcium and are low in phosphorus, which is essential for healthy bone development.

What greens and vegetables to give to your bearded dragon

Adding some fruits like berries, guava, and mangoes occasionally gives your dragon a sweet treat.

What insects to give to your reptile pet

Beardies are omnivorous and require a balance of protein and vegetables. They love crickets and mealworms, which are available in a number of pet stores. However, it’s essential to buy insects from reputable suppliers to avoid feeding your dragon toxins or parasites. You can also feed your dragon superworms, phoenix worms, hornworms, and silkworms. [1]

Feeding Frequency

How often and how much to feed your reptile pet depends on its size and age. A baby dragon should have a full stomach at least twice a day, while a juvenile should eat three times a day. An adult dragon can eat every other day, depending on its size and activity levels.

Remember to balance their protein and vegetable intake according to their nutritional needs.


Supplements are essential for healthy bone and digestive systems. You can use vitamin D3 and calcium supplements to promote bone growth and development and multivitamin supplements to boost overall health. The supplements are available in liquid, powder, and chewable forms.

Bearded dragons are fantastic pets, but they require adequate care and feeding. Proper nutrition, hydration, and supplements are essential to keep them happy and healthy.Don’t forget to balance their vegetable and protein intake according to their age and size, and observe their feeding and behavior regularly. With regular check-ups and a balanced diet, you will have a happy and healthy bearded dragon for years to come.

The Nutritional Value of Celery

If you are a proud owner of a beardie, you know that feeding them is not an easy task. These little reptiles tend to be picky eaters, and it can be challenging to find the perfect balance of nutrients for their diet. One of the most beneficial vegetables you can add to their diet is celery! Now, we’ll look at some of the reasons why celery is such an excellent option for your bearded dragon.

High In Nutrients

This vegetable is highly nutritious as it contains a lot of minerals and vitamins which are highly important for the diet of a bearded dragon. Celery is high in Vitamins A, B, and C, as well as iron, calcium, and potassium. These are all essential nutrients which your bearded dragon requires to stay healthy.

High Fiber Content

Fiber is a highly important nutrient for a bearded dragon. It helps to aid in their digestion and can prevent constipation. Celery contains a lot of fiber, and it makes it a perfect option for your reptile pet’s diet.

Low In Oxalates

Bearded dragons are prone to developing kidney stones, which can be very painful and difficult to treat. Foods that are high in oxalates can contribute to the development of kidney stones. The good news is that celery is low in oxalates,that’s why it is a safe choice for your reptile pet.

Easy To Prepare

This vegetable is easy to prepare for your reptile pet. You may chop it up into little pieces and mix it in with their regular food. Alternatively, you may serve it raw and allow your beardie to munch on it. Either way, it’s a hassle-free addition to their diet.

Great As A Treat

If you’re struggling to find food that your reptile pet will eat, celery is an excellent option as a treat. This vegetable is low in calories and can be given as a snack throughout the day. Just make sure to keep the portion sizes small! In conclusion, celery is an excellent addition to your bearded dragon’s diet. It’s high in nutrients, fiber, and low in oxalates making it a safe option.

Great As A Treat

Plus, it’s easy to prepare and can be given as a treat. Including celery in the diet of your reptile pet is a win-win situation for both of you!

Celery in Baby Bearded Dragon’s Diet

Bearded dragons are amazing creatures, and if you have one at home, you know that these reptiles have diverse dietary needs. Adequate nutrient intake has a direct impact on their general health and well-being. Have you ever considered adding celery to the diet of your baby bearded dragon? With its low-calorie content and high fiber and vitamin content, celery has multiple benefits for these little creatures. Here, we’ll explore the significance of celery and its role in the diet of a baby bearded dragon.

Fiber and vitamin C are essential for a baby beardie’s well-being, and celery is a rich source of both. The high content of fiber in celery promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which increases nutrient absorption in your pet’s digestive system. Vitamin C helps boost immunity and strengthens bone tissue. [2]

You can slice up some celery and mix it in with your baby bearded dragon’s food to get these benefits. Celery also provides hydration to your pet, which is necessary for their digestion and prevents skin dehydration. A baby bearded dragon needs plenty of water to remain active and healthy. Incorporating celery in your pet’s diet will enable them to stay hydrated and increase their activity levels. Bearded dragons thrive on a variety of food, and feeding them a nutritious diet is key.

Adding celery as a part of the regular diet will help them thrive. This vegetable is low in calories and high in nutrition. Try introducing celery in small amounts before transitioning to regular consumption. You can slice it up and feed it to your baby bearded dragon as a snack, mix it in with their food, or even blend it with other ingredients to create a smoothie. Bearded dragons are susceptible to diseases and infections, making it imperative that they have a healthy diet.

How to Prepare Celery for a  Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons are wonderful pets that require a proper diet that guarantees their good health. One of the vegetables that should be a component of the diet of a bearded dragon is celery.

Celery is rich in minerals and vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin K, and potassium, which are beneficial to your bearded dragon’s health.
However, it is best to learn the right way of feeding celery to your bearded dragon to ensure it’s safe and ready for consumption. This part of our blog will provide you with an easy guide on how to prepare celery for your reptile pet.

Step 1: Choose Fresh Celery

The first step in preparing celery for your reptile pet is by choosing fresh celery. Fresh celery is ideal for consumption and contains all the essential nutrients crucial for your pet’s growth. Ensure you choose celery with crisp leaves, firm stalks, and uniform color. Avoid celery with spots, bruises, or discoloration. You can also opt to purchase organic celery to avoid the risk of pesticides.

Step 2: Wash Celery Thoroughly

The second step is to wash the vegetable thoroughly before slicing it. Fill a clean sink or basin with water and soak the celery for a few minutes. Afterward, rinse the celery in clean running water, ensuring that all the dirt and debris are removed.

Step 2: Wash Celery Thoroughly

If you opt to use vinegar or produce wash, ensure that you rinse the celery thoroughly to avoid any residual in the celery.

Step 3: Slice the Celery

The next step is to slice the celery into small pieces. Beardies have small mouths and can’t swallow large food pieces. Therefore, it is important to cut them into small pieces to avoid choking. Slicing the celery also aids in easier digestion, ensuring that your pet’s digestive system runs smoothly. You can cut them into 1-inch pieces or smaller, depending on your pet’s size.

Step 4: Feed your Bearded Dragon

The last step is to feed your bearded dragon with the prepared celery. You can add celery to your bearded dragon’s salad or mix it with other vegetables such as carrots, kale, or collard greens. You can also mix celery with fruits such as bananas or strawberries to add to the overall flavor. Ensure that you provide your pet with the right amount of celery, depending on its size and age.

In conclusion, adding this vegetable to your reptile pet’s diet has numerous benefits such as providing essential nutrients, regulating bowel movements, and aiding digestion.

However, it is crucial to prepare celery the right way to ensure it’s safe for consumption.
Choosing fresh celery, washing it thoroughly, slicing it into small pieces, and feeding your pet the right amount guarantees safety and an enjoyable meal. Following these simple steps will keep your bearded dragon healthy and happy, so go ahead and prepare some celery for your pet today!

Health Risks of Feeding a Bearded Dragon with Celery

Beardies are adorable and beautiful pets that are low maintenance and just like humans, they need a well-balanced diet to stay healthy and happy. While many beardie owners prefer feeding their lizard with a number of fresh vegetables and fruits, celery has recently gained popularity as a healthy treat for these reptiles. However, what many owners don’t realize is that celery can pose several health risks to bearded dragons if not fed properly. Keep reading on to find out more about the surprising health risks of feeding your reptile pet with celery.

High Content of Water Can Cause Diarrhea

One of the most significant risks to feeding your bearded dragon with celery is its high water content could result in diarrhea. Bearded dragons need a specific ratio of water to solids in their food to aid in digestion. Feeding them an excessive amount of water-rich foods can lead to an unbalanced digestive system, which can cause diarrhea, dehydration, and lethargy. To avoid this, it’s best to limit the consumption of celery and other water-rich vegetables to a couple of times a week.

High Oxalic Acid

Unfit for Calcium Absorption Celery is rich in oxalic acid that binds with calcium and other minerals in the digestive tract, making them unabsorbable. This means that the calcium found in the beardie’s diet, which is essential for their bone growth and development, will not be absorbed well. Over time, this could cause metabolic bone disease, which leads to weakening of the bones, joint disease, and can cause severe health problems.

Celery Contains High Levels of Nitrates

Celery, like other green leafy vegetables, contains naturally-occurring nitrates that pose significant health risks to bearded dragons. Nitrates are known to cause a reduction in oxygen levels in the bloodstream, which can lead to hypoxia, a medical condition whereby the body does not receive enough oxygen. Feeding your reptile pet with celery frequently can put them at extreme risk of nitrate poisoning, which can lead to severe health problems and even death.

Celery Can Cause Oral Injuries

Bearded dragons have teeth, and while they do not use them to chew their food, they use them to rip and tear their food into small pieces that can be easily consumed. Celery’s stringy texture can be challenging to chew, leading to oral injuries such as lacerations or cuts to the mouth.

Celery Can Cause Oral Injuries

These injuries can lead to swelling, bleeding, and infections. This can cause a significant amount of pain and discomfort to your bearded dragon. It’s best to avoid feeding your beardie with celery or any other vegetables that are hard to chew.

Celery Contains High Levels of Sodium

Finally, celery contains high levels of sodium that could cause several health issues, such as high blood pressure, dehydration, and kidney problems if consumed in large quantities. While small amounts of celery will not cause significant harm to your bearded dragon, it’s vital to know that reptiles need a low-sodium diet to maintain healthy kidneys and overall health. It’s advised to avoid feeding celery or any other high-sodium foods to your bearded dragon.

In conclusion, while celery is a healthy treat for humans, it’s essential to keep in mind the potential health risks it poses to bearded dragons’ health. Bearded dragons require a well-balanced diet that includes calcium, protein, and other essential nutrients to live healthier and happier lives. It’s recommended to feed your bearded dragon with other calcium-rich foods like kale, collard greens, and dandelion greens, and avoid feeding them with celery or any other high-nitrate vegetables. Consult your vet or reptile specialist before adding any new food to your pet’s diet and ensure you’re feeding them the right foods to avoid potential health complications.


How often can bearded dragons eat celery?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat celery. Celery is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin K, and potassium.

How often can bearded dragons eat celery?

These nutrients are essential for your lizard’s growth and well-being. However, celery should not be the main food item in your bearded dragon’s diet, as it is low in calcium and high in water content. You should also avoid giving your bearded dragon too much celery, as it can cause digestive problems, such as diarrhea and dehydration.

Is Celery safe for lizards?

Celery is generally safe for bearded dragons to eat, as long as it is given in moderation and prepared properly. You should wash the celery thoroughly to remove any pesticides or dirt, and then cut it into small pieces to prevent choking. You should also avoid giving your bearded dragon celery leaves, as they can be tough and hard to digest. If your lizard shows signs of illness or discomfort after eating celery, such as vomiting or lethargy, you should contact a veterinarian.

What vegetables can bearded dragons not eat?

  • Rhubarb: contains high levels of oxalic acid, which can cause calcium deficiencies and kidney problems
  • Avocado: contains a toxin called persin, which can affect your lizard’s heart, lungs, and other organs
  • Beet greens: contain high levels of oxalic acid and are difficult to digest

Useful Video: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery


In conclusion, bearded dragons can eat celery, but it should only be fed in moderation. It’s important to prepare the celery correctly and mix it with other vegetables to ensure your bearded dragon is getting a balanced diet. Remember, celery is just one part of a healthy diet for your bearded dragon. So, be sure to offer a variety of other vegetables and insects to keep your bearded dragon happy and healthy.


  1. https://dragonsdiet.com/blogs/dragon-care/the-complete-bearded-dragon-diet-plan#:~:text=Bearded%20dragons%20need%20a%20well,on%20your%20specific%20dragon’s%20needs).
  2. https://reptile.guide/can-bearded-dragons-eat-celery/#Can-Baby-Bearded-Dragons-Eat-Celery