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Why is my bearded d...
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Why is my bearded dragon sleep walking?

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Bertha Jenkins
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I've recently noticed my bearded dragon has been walking in his sleep, and experiencing some strange behavior. During this state, he bobs his head at the glass as he's walking around the cage. At first, he was just bobbing his head at the glass and twitching uncontrollably, but now he has been walking around the cage. I'm really worried and not sure if this is healthy or not.

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As long as he's not doing it all day and just when hes sleeping it should be ok. Its not normal per say, but dogs and humans are known to sleepwalk and move to their dreams in varying degrees...I think my snake has narcolepsy-he'll fall asleep at random times and even when eating! For like 20 min sometimes hell stay in the same position while eating, I poke him and he starts moving again lol. Hes perfectly healthy and I take him to the vet hes just a weirdo.

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They surely do because of the fact i grew to become into merely laying down with my sound asleep bearded dragon on my abdomen and unexpectedly he bolted and unexpectedly met my arm! I looked down and observed that his eyes have been nevertheless closed! Then he started smacking his lips like he merely ate a cricket or something. i somewhat think of that he grew to become into dreaming approximately chasing crickets and started sleep strolling. Very unusual yet somewhat stunning ^_^

